delimiter $$ create table lk_country ( id int(11) not null, nice_name varchar(150) default null, iso3 varchar(3) default null, numcode smallint(6) default null, phone_code int(5) default null, name varchar(150) default null, iso varchar(2) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ CREATE TABLE lk_services ( id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, service_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description TEXT DEFAULT NULL, service_price DECIMAL(18, 3) NOT NULL, service_cost DECIMAL(18, 3) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) $$ -- -- create table supplier -- delimiter $$ create table supplier ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(200) not null, phone varchar(50) not null, country_id int(11) not null, email varchar(250) not null, city varchar(200) not null, address varchar(250) not null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table supplier add constraint country_supplier_id foreign key (country_id) references lk_country(id); $$ -- -- create table lk_warehouse -- delimiter $$ create table lk_warehouse ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(200) not null, country_id int(11) not null, email varchar(200) not null, phone varchar(50) not null, city varchar(200) not null, zip_code varchar(20) default null, visible int(11) default 1, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table lk_warehouse add constraint country_warehouse_id foreign key (country_id) references lk_country(id); $$ -- -- create table transfer -- delimiter $$ create table transfer ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, date date default null, from_wharehouse_id int(11) default null, to_warehouse_id int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, shipping decimal(18, 3) default null, transfer_status_id int(11) default null, note text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, reference varchar(200) default null, paid decimal(18, 3) default null, due decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_status_id int(11) default null, totalordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, totaldiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, totalshipping decimal(18, 3) default null, user_add varchar(200) default null, user_addt datetime default null, user_upd varchar(200) default null, user_updt datetime default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table transfer add constraint transfer_from_warehouse_id foreign key (from_wharehouse_id) references lk_warehouse(id) on delete set null; $$ delimiter $$ alter table transfer add constraint transfer_to_warehouse_id foreign key (to_warehouse_id) references lk_warehouse(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create table stickyshop_users -- delimiter $$ create table stickyshop_users ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, username varchar(255) default null, password varchar(255) default null, email varchar(255) default null, fullname varchar(255) default null, groupid varchar(255) default null, active int(11) default null, data_group_id int(11) not null default 1, ext_security_id varchar(100) default null, warehouse_id_ int(11) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, tel varchar(255) default null, photo text default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table stickyshop_users add constraint users_warehouse_id foreign key (warehouse_id_) references lk_warehouse(id); $$ -- -- create table return_purchase -- delimiter $$ create table return_purchase ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, date date default null, supplier_id int(11) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, shipping decimal(18, 3) default null, purchase_status_id int(11) default null, note text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, reference varchar(200) default null, paid decimal(18, 3) default null, due decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_status_id int(11) default 2, totalordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, totaldiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, totalshipping decimal(18, 3) default null, user_add varchar(200) default null, user_addt datetime default null, user_upd varchar(200) default null, user_updt datetime default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_purchase add constraint ret_purchase_supplier_id foreign key (supplier_id) references supplier(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_purchase add constraint ret_purchase_warehouse_id foreign key (warehouse_id) references lk_warehouse(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create table purchase -- delimiter $$ create table purchase ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, date date default null, supplier_id int(11) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, shipping decimal(18, 3) default null, purchase_status_id int(11) default null, note text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, reference varchar(200) default null, paid decimal(18, 3) default null, due decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_status_id int(11) default 2, totalordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, totaldiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, totalshipping decimal(18, 3) default null, user_add varchar(200) default null, user_addt datetime default null, user_upd varchar(200) default null, user_updt datetime default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table purchase add constraint purchase_supplier_id foreign key (supplier_id) references supplier(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table purchase add constraint purchase_warehouse_id foreign key (warehouse_id) references lk_warehouse(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create table customer -- delimiter $$ create table customer ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(200) not null, phone varchar(50) not null, country_id int(11) not null, email varchar(250) not null, city varchar(200) not null, address varchar(250) not null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table customer add constraint country_customer_id foreign key (country_id) references lk_country(id); $$ -- -- create table sale -- delimiter $$ create table sale ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, date date default null, customer_id int(11) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, shipping decimal(13, 3) default null, sale_status_id int(11) default null, note text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, reference varchar(200) default null, paid decimal(18, 3) default null, due decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_status_id int(11) default 2, totalordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, totaldiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, totalshipping decimal(18, 3) default null, user_add varchar(200) default null, user_addt datetime default null, user_upd varchar(200) default null, user_updt datetime default null, payment_method int(11) default null ,pos_received_amount int(11) default null ,return_amount decimal(18, 3) default null ,quotation_id int(11) default null ,service_total DECIMAL(18, 3) DEFAULT NULL ,primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table sale add constraint sale_customer_id foreign key (customer_id) references customer(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table sale add constraint sale_warehouse_id foreign key (warehouse_id) references lk_warehouse(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create table sale_det -- delimiter $$ create table sale_det ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, sale_id int(11) default null, product_id int(11) default null, taxtype int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, unitcost decimal(18, 3) default null, qty decimal(18, 3) default null, discounttype_id int(11) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, subtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, taxamount decimal(18, 3) default null, discountamount decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotalbeforetaxanddiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create index sale_det on table sale_det -- delimiter $$ alter table sale_det add index sale_det(sale_id); $$ -- -- create index sale_discounttype on table sale_det -- delimiter $$ alter table sale_det add index sale_discounttype(discounttype_id); $$ -- -- create index sale_product_id on table sale_det -- delimiter $$ alter table sale_det add index sale_product_id(product_id); $$ -- -- create index sale_taxtype on table sale_det -- delimiter $$ alter table sale_det add index sale_taxtype(taxtype); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table sale_det add constraint sale_sale_det_id foreign key (sale_id) references sale(id); $$ -- -- create table quotation -- delimiter $$ create table quotation ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, date date default null, customer_id int(11) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, shipping decimal(18, 3) default null, sale_status_id int(11) default null, note text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, reference varchar(200) default null, paid decimal(18, 3) default null, due decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_status_id int(11) default 2, totalordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, totaldiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, totalshipping decimal(18, 3) default null, user_add varchar(200) default null, user_addt datetime default null, user_upd varchar(200) default null, user_updt datetime default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table quotation add constraint quotation_warehouse_id foreign key (warehouse_id) references lk_warehouse(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table quotation add constraint customer_id_quotation foreign key (customer_id) references customer(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create table lk_payment_status -- delimiter $$ create table lk_payment_status ( id int(11) not null, name varchar(200) default null, language varchar(255) not null default '', primary key (id, language) ) $$ -- -- create table lk_invoice_status -- delimiter $$ create table lk_invoice_status ( id int(11) not null, name varchar(200) default null, language varchar(255) not null, primary key (id, language) ) $$ -- -- create table return_sale -- delimiter $$ create table return_sale ( id int(11) not null, date date default null, customer_id int(11) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, shipping decimal(18, 3) default null, sale_status_id int(11) default null, note text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, reference varchar(200) default null, paid decimal(18, 3) default null, due decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_status_id int(11) default 2, totalordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, totaldiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, totalshipping decimal(18, 3) default null, user_add varchar(200) default null, user_addt datetime default null, user_upd varchar(200) default null, user_updt datetime default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_sale add constraint return_sale_customer_id foreign key (customer_id) references customer(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_sale add constraint return_sale_payment_status_id_cons foreign key (payment_status_id) references lk_payment_status(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_sale add constraint return_sale_status_id_cons foreign key (sale_status_id) references lk_invoice_status(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_sale add constraint return_sale_warehouse_id foreign key (warehouse_id) references lk_warehouse(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create table lk_products_sell_status -- delimiter $$ create table lk_products_sell_status ( id int(11) not null, status varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create table lk_brand -- delimiter $$ create table lk_brand ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(200) not null, description text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, image text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create table product -- delimiter $$ CREATE TABLE product ( id INT(11) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, codeproduct VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL, category_id INT(11) NOT NULL, brand_id INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, barcodesymbology_id INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, productcost DECIMAL(18, 3) NOT NULL, productprice DECIMAL(18, 3) NOT NULL, productunit INT(11) NOT NULL, saleunit INT(11) NOT NULL, purchaseunit INT(11) NOT NULL, stockalert INT(11) DEFAULT 0, ordertax DECIMAL(18, 3) DEFAULT 0.000, taxtype_id INT(11) NOT NULL, note TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, variant_id TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, image TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, bar_code_auto INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, product_sell_status INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, averageproductcost DECIMAL(18, 3) DEFAULT NULL, is_composite INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table product add constraint product_sell_status_id foreign key (product_sell_status) references lk_products_sell_status(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table product add constraint product_brand_id foreign key (brand_id) references lk_brand(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create table productavgcost -- delimiter $$ create table productavgcost ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, productid int(11) default null, productcost decimal(18, 3) default null, username varchar(4000) default null, changedate datetime default null, stockmount decimal(18, 3) default null, invoice_id int(11) default null, invoice_type int(11) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create index idx_productavgcost_productid on table productavgcost -- delimiter $$ alter table productavgcost add index idx_productavgcost_productid(productid); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table productavgcost add constraint fk_productavgcost_productid foreign key (productid) references product(id); $$ -- -- create table lk_smsgateway -- delimiter $$ create table lk_smsgateway ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create table lk_papersize -- delimiter $$ create table lk_papersize ( id int(11) not null, name varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create table lk_currency -- delimiter $$ create table lk_currency ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, currency_code varchar(5) not null, currency_name varchar(200) not null, symbol varchar(200) not null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create table system_settings -- delimiter $$ create table system_settings ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, company_name varchar(250) default null, default_currency_id int(11) default 278, default_email varchar(200) default null, logo text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, footer varchar(250) default null, default_warehouse_id int(11) default null, default_customer_id int(11) default null, developed_by varchar(200) default null, company_address varchar(250) default null, note_to_customer text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, show_phone varchar(1) default '1', show_address varchar(1) default '1', show_email varchar(1) default '1', show_customer varchar(1) default '1', show_tax_discount varchar(1) default '1', show_barcode varchar(1) default '1', show_note_to_customer varchar(1) default '1', payment_stripe_key text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, payment_stripe_secret text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, delete_stripe_api_keys varchar(1) default '1', smtp_host varchar(250) default null, smpt_port varchar(20) default null, smtp_username varchar(200) default null, smtp_password varchar(200) default null, smtp_encryption varchar(20) default null, sms_sid varchar(200) default null, sms_token varchar(250) default null, sms_from varchar(250) default null, sms_getway_id int(11) default null, company_phone varchar(200) default null, papersize_id int(11) default null, sell_in_minus varchar(5) default 'no', db_server varchar(200) default null, db_port int(11) default null, db_user varchar(200) default null, db_password varchar(200) default null, db_bin_path varchar(200) default null, default_language int(11) default 1, current_folder varchar(250) not null, db_database varchar(255) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table system_settings add constraint currency_system_settings_id foreign key (default_currency_id) references lk_currency(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table system_settings add constraint customer_system_settings_id foreign key (default_customer_id) references customer(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table system_settings add constraint setting_papersize_id foreign key (papersize_id) references lk_papersize(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table system_settings add constraint warehouse_system_settings_id foreign key (default_warehouse_id) references lk_warehouse(id) on delete set null; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table system_settings add constraint smsgateway_systemsetting_id foreign key (sms_getway_id) references lk_smsgateway(id); $$ -- -- create table lk_payment_type -- delimiter $$ create table lk_payment_type ( id int(11) not null, name varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create table sale_payment -- delimiter $$ create table sale_payment ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, sale_id int(11) default null, date date default null, receivedamount decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_typeid int(11) default null, payamount decimal(18, 3) default null, paydocument text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, note mediumtext default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create view sales_payment -- delimiter $$ create view sales_payment as select * from sale_payment $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table sale_payment add constraint payment_type_cons_sale foreign key (payment_typeid) references lk_payment_type(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table sale_payment add constraint sale_id foreign key (sale_id) references sale(id) on delete cascade; $$ -- -- create table return_sale_payment -- delimiter $$ create table return_sale_payment ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, sale_id int(11) default null, date date default null, receivedamount decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_typeid int(11) default null, payamount decimal(18, 3) default null, paydocument text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, note mediumtext character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_sale_payment add constraint return_payment_type_cons_sale foreign key (payment_typeid) references lk_payment_type(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_sale_payment add constraint return_sale_id foreign key (sale_id) references return_sale(id) on delete cascade; $$ -- -- create table return_purchase_payment -- delimiter $$ create table return_purchase_payment ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, return_purchase_id int(11) default null, date date default null, receivedamount decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_typeid int(11) default null, payamount decimal(18, 3) default null, paydocument text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, note text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_purchase_payment add constraint return_payment_purchase_id foreign key (return_purchase_id) references return_purchase(id) on delete cascade; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_purchase_payment add constraint return_payment_type_cons foreign key (payment_typeid) references lk_payment_type(id); $$ -- -- create table quotation_payment -- delimiter $$ create table quotation_payment ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, quotation_id int(11) default null, date date default null, receivedamount decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_typeid int(11) default null, payamount decimal(18, 3) default null, paydocument text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, note text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table quotation_payment add constraint payment_type_cons_quotation foreign key (payment_typeid) references lk_payment_type(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table quotation_payment add constraint quotation_id foreign key (quotation_id) references quotation(id) on delete cascade; $$ -- -- create table purchase_payment -- delimiter $$ create table purchase_payment ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, purchase_id int(11) default null, date date default null, receivedamount decimal(18, 3) default null, payment_typeid int(11) default null, payamount decimal(18, 3) default null, paydocument text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, note text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table purchase_payment add constraint payment_purchase_id foreign key (purchase_id) references purchase(id) on delete cascade; $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table purchase_payment add constraint payment_type_cons foreign key (payment_typeid) references lk_payment_type(id); $$ -- -- create table lk_tax_type -- delimiter $$ create table lk_tax_type ( id int(11) not null, name varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create table lk_discounttype -- delimiter $$ create table lk_discounttype ( id int(11) not null, name varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create table transfer_det -- delimiter $$ create table transfer_det ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, transfer_id int(11) default null, product_id int(11) default null, taxtype int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, unitcost decimal(18, 3) default null, qty decimal(18, 3) default null, discounttype_id int(11) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, subtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, taxamount decimal(18, 3) default null, discountamount decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotalbeforetaxanddiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, stock decimal(18, 3) default null, expdate date default null, to_warehouse_id int(11) default null, from_wharehouse_id int(11) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ alter table transfer_det add index transfer_transfer_det(transfer_id); $$ delimiter $$ alter table transfer_det add constraint transfer_discounttype foreign key (discounttype_id) references lk_discounttype(id); $$ delimiter $$ alter table transfer_det add constraint transfer_product_id foreign key (product_id) references product(id); $$ delimiter $$ alter table transfer_det add constraint transfer_purchase_det foreign key (transfer_id) references transfer(id); $$ delimiter $$ alter table transfer_det add constraint transfer_taxtype foreign key (taxtype) references lk_tax_type(id); $$ delimiter $$ create table return_sale_det ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, return_sale_id int(11) default null, product_id int(11) default null, taxtype int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, unitcost decimal(18, 3) default null, qty decimal(18, 3) default null, discounttype_id int(11) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, subtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, taxamount decimal(18, 3) default null, discountamount decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotalbeforetaxanddiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ alter table return_sale_det add constraint return_sale_det foreign key (return_sale_id) references return_sale(id); $$ delimiter $$ alter table return_sale_det add constraint return_sale_discounttype foreign key (discounttype_id) references lk_discounttype(id); $$ delimiter $$ alter table return_sale_det add constraint return_sale_product_id foreign key (product_id) references product(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_sale_det add constraint return_sale_taxtype foreign key (taxtype) references lk_tax_type(id); $$ -- -- create table return_purchase_det -- delimiter $$ create table return_purchase_det ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, return_purchase_id int(11) default null, product_id int(11) default null, taxtype int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, unitcost decimal(18, 3) default null, qty decimal(18, 3) default null, discounttype_id int(11) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, subtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, taxamount decimal(18, 3) default null, discountamount decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotalbeforetaxanddiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_purchase_det add constraint return_purchase_discounttype foreign key (discounttype_id) references lk_discounttype(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_purchase_det add constraint return_purchase_product_id foreign key (product_id) references product(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_purchase_det add constraint return_purchase_purchase_det foreign key (return_purchase_id) references return_purchase(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table return_purchase_det add constraint return_purchase_taxtype foreign key (taxtype) references lk_tax_type(id); $$ -- -- create table quotation_det -- delimiter $$ create table quotation_det ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, quotation_id int(11) default null, product_id int(11) default null, taxtype int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, unitcost decimal(18, 3) default null, qty decimal(18, 3) default null, discounttype_id int(11) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, subtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, taxamount decimal(18, 3) default null, discountamount decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotalbeforetaxanddiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table quotation_det add constraint quotation_det foreign key (quotation_id) references quotation(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table quotation_det add constraint quotation_discounttype foreign key (discounttype_id) references lk_discounttype(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table quotation_det add constraint quotation_product_id foreign key (product_id) references product(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table quotation_det add constraint quotation_taxtype foreign key (taxtype) references lk_tax_type(id); $$ -- -- create table purchase_det -- delimiter $$ create table purchase_det ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, purchase_id int(11) default null, product_id int(11) default null, taxtype int(11) default null, ordertax decimal(18, 3) default null, unitcost decimal(18, 3) default null, qty decimal(18, 3) default null, discounttype_id int(11) default null, discount decimal(18, 3) default null, subtotal decimal(18, 3) default null, taxamount decimal(18, 3) default null, discountamount decimal(18, 3) default null, grandtotalbeforetaxanddiscount decimal(18, 3) default null, warehouse_id int(11) default null, stock decimal(18, 3) default null, expdate date default null, primary key (id) ) $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table purchase_det add constraint purchase_discounttype foreign key (discounttype_id) references lk_discounttype(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table purchase_det add constraint purchase_product_id foreign key (product_id) references product(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table purchase_det add constraint purchase_purchase_det foreign key (purchase_id) references purchase(id); $$ -- -- create foreign key -- delimiter $$ alter table purchase_det add constraint purchase_taxtype foreign key (taxtype) references lk_tax_type(id); $$ -- -- create table lk_baseunit -- delimiter $$ create table lk_baseunit ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(200) not null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_unit ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(200) default null, shortname varchar(20) default null, baseunit_id int(11) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ alter table lk_unit add constraint baseunit_unit_id foreign key (baseunit_id) references lk_baseunit(id) on delete set null; $$ delimiter $$ create table expenses_category ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, category varchar(255) not null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table expenses ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, wharehouse_id int(11) default null, expensive_category_id int(11) default null, amount decimal(10, 0) default 18, details text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, date date default null, reference varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ alter table expenses add constraint expensive_category_id foreign key (expensive_category_id) references expenses_category(id) on delete set null; $$ delimiter $$ alter table expenses add constraint expensive_warehouse_id foreign key (wharehouse_id) references lk_warehouse(id) on delete set null; $$ delimiter $$ create table stickyshop_ugrights ( tablename varchar(300) not null, groupid int(11) not null, accessmask varchar(10) default null, page mediumtext default null, primary key (tablename(50), groupid) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table stickyshop_ugmembers ( username varchar(300) not null, groupid int(11) not null, primary key (username(50), groupid) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table stickyshop_uggroups ( groupid int(11) not null auto_increment, label varchar(300) default null, primary key (groupid) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table product_warehouse ( warehouse_id int(11) not null, product_id int(11) not null, qty decimal(18, 3) default null, adqty decimal(18, 3) default null, date date default null, reference varchar(200) default null, adjust_type int(11) default null, primary key (warehouse_id, product_id) ) $$ delimiter $$ alter table product_warehouse add index product_warehouse_id(product_id); $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_template ( id int(11) not null, purchase_email text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, purchase_sms text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, sale_email text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, sale_sms text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, return_purchase_email text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, return_purchase_sms text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, return_sale_email text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, return_sale_sms text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, quatation_email text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, quatation_sms text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_product_variant ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_messages ( id varchar(2) not null default '', name varchar(93) default null, langauge varchar(8) not null default '', primary key (langauge, id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_language ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_invoice_type ( id int(11) not null, invoice varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_invoice_type_lang ( id int(11) not null, invoice varchar(200) default null, language varchar(200) default null ) $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_data_group ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(200) not null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_category ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, code varchar(200) default null, name varchar(200) default null, master_cat int(11) default null, level int(11) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ alter table lk_category add constraint con_lk_master_cat foreign key (master_cat) references lk_category(id) on delete set null; $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_barcode_symbology ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, symbology varchar(20) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table lk_adjust_type ( id int(11) not null, name varchar(200) default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table key_license ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, key_text varchar(500) not null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ create table `dual` ( x int(11) default null ) $$ delimiter $$ create table bar_code_generator ( inital_val varchar(6) default null ) $$ delimiter $$ create table backup ( id int(11) not null auto_increment, backup_date datetime default null, file text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci default null, primary key (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ CREATE TABLE composite_product ( product_id INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, product_id_det INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, Qty DECIMAL(18, 3) NOT NULL, id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ ALTER TABLE composite_product ADD CONSTRAINT FK_composite_product_product_id FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES product(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION $$ delimiter $$ ALTER TABLE composite_product ADD CONSTRAINT FK_composite_product_product_id_det FOREIGN KEY (product_id_det) REFERENCES product(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION $$ delimiter $$ ALTER TABLE productavgcost ADD INDEX idx_productid_avg_cost (productid); $$ delimiter $$ ALTER TABLE productavgcost ADD INDEX idx_invoice_type_avg_cost (invoice_type); $$ delimiter $$ ALTER TABLE productavgcost ADD INDEX idx_invoice_id_avg_cost (invoice_id); $$ delimiter $$ CREATE TABLE product_manufacturing ( id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, product_id INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, warehouse_id INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, qty DECIMAL(18, 3) DEFAULT NULL, date DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ ALTER TABLE product_manufacturing ADD CONSTRAINT FK_product_manufacturing_product_id FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES product(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION $$ delimiter $$ ALTER TABLE product_manufacturing ADD CONSTRAINT FK_product_manufacturing_warehouse_id FOREIGN KEY (warehouse_id) REFERENCES lk_warehouse(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION $$ delimiter $$ CREATE TABLE sale_service_det ( id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, sale_id INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, service_id INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, price DECIMAL(18, 3) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) $$ delimiter $$ ALTER TABLE sale_service_det ADD CONSTRAINT FK_sale_service_det_sale_id FOREIGN KEY (sale_id) REFERENCES sale(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION $$ delimiter $$ ALTER TABLE sale_service_det ADD CONSTRAINT FK_sale_service_det_service_id FOREIGN KEY (service_id) REFERENCES lk_services(id) ON DELETE NO ACTION $$ delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstock_without_man(p_product_id int,p_warehouse_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare number_of_items decimal(18,3); declare v_total decimal(18,3); declare v_item_stock decimal(18,3); declare v_Qty decimal(18,3); declare is_composite1 int; declare is_composite2 int; declare v_product_id_det int; select count(1) into is_composite1 from product where id=p_product_id and (is_composite is null or is_composite=0); if is_composite1>0 then select calcstock_det_without_man(p_product_id ,p_warehouse_id) into v_total; end if; select count(1) into is_composite2 from product where id=p_product_id and ( is_composite=1); IF is_composite2>0 THEN select calcstock_det_composite(p_product_id ,p_warehouse_id) into v_total; end if; return v_total; end $$ delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION check_composite(p_product_id int,p_warehouse_id int,p_qty int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare number_of_items decimal(18,3); declare v_total decimal(18,3); declare v_item_stock decimal(18,3); declare v_Qty decimal(18,3); declare is_composite int; declare v_product_id_det int; declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select product_id_det,Qty*p_qty as Qty,IFNULL(calcstock(product_id_det,p_warehouse_id),0) as item_stock from composite_product where product_id=p_product_id ; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET d = 1; set v_total:=1; open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_product_id_det,v_Qty,v_item_stock; if v_Qty>v_item_stock then set v_total:=0; end if; if d = 1 then leave lbl; end if; end loop; close get_cur; return v_total; end $$ delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstock_invoice_product(p_product_id int,p_warehouse_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare number_of_items decimal(18,3); declare v_total decimal(18,3); declare v_item_stock decimal(18,3); declare v_Qty decimal(18,3); declare is_composite1 int; declare is_composite2 int; declare v_product_id_det int; select count(1) into is_composite1 from product where id=p_product_id and (is_composite is null or is_composite=0); if is_composite1>0 then select calcstock_det(p_product_id ,p_warehouse_id) into v_total; end if; select count(1) into is_composite2 from product where id=p_product_id and ( is_composite=1); IF is_composite2>0 THEN select calcstock_det_composite(p_product_id ,p_warehouse_id) into v_total; end if; return v_total; end $$ delimiter $$ create function fn_row_number(reset int) returns decimal(18, 3) begin if reset=1 then set @var := 0; else set @var := ifnull(@var,0) + 1; end if; return @var; end $$ delimiter $$ create function getpath(cat_id int) returns text begin declare res text; call getpath(cat_id, res); return res; end $$ -- -- create procedure getpath -- delimiter $$ create procedure getpath(in cat_id int, out path text) begin declare catname varchar(20); declare temppath text; declare tempparent int; declare level int; declare maxlevel int; set max_sp_recursion_depth = 255; select name, master_cat, level from lk_category c where id = cat_id into catname, tempparent, level; if tempparent is null then set path = concat(catname); else call getpath(tempparent, temppath); set path = concat(temppath, '/', catname ); end if; end $$ delimiter // create procedure calcproductavgcost (in p_sale_id int(11),in p_user_add varchar(200)) begin declare v_sale_id int; declare v_payment_status_id int(11); declare ref_id varchar(200); declare v_product_id int(11); declare v_unitcost decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product_del decimal(18,3); declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product decimal(18,3); declare avg_ptoduct_cost decimal(18,3); declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select d.*,0 stock_product_del from (select sale_id, pd.product_id,pd.qty,averageproductcost unitcost,0 as stock_product from sale_det pd,product p where d where qty>0 and sale_id=p_sale_id ; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set d = 1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' start transaction; open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_sale_id,v_product_id,v_qty,v_unitcost,v_stock_product,v_stock_product_del; if d = 1 then leave lbl; close get_cur; end if; insert into productavgcost(productid,productcost,username,changedate,stockmount,invoice_id,invoice_type) values(v_product_id,v_unitcost,p_user_add, NOW(),-v_qty,v_sale_id,2) ; select case when sum(stockmount) > 0 then sum(productcost*stockmount)/sum(stockmount) end as avg_cost into avg_ptoduct_cost from productavgcost where productid=v_product_id; update product set averageproductcost=avg_ptoduct_cost where id=v_product_id; end loop; close get_cur; commit; end;// delimiter ; delimiter // create procedure sendtosale (in p_quotation_id int(11),in p_user_add varchar(200)) begin declare v_sale_id int; declare v_payment_status_id int(11); declare ref_id varchar(200); declare v_product_id int(11); declare v_unitcost decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product_del decimal(18,3); declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product decimal(18,3); declare avg_ptoduct_cost decimal(18,3); declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select d.*,0 stock_product_del from (select sale_id, pd.product_id,pd.qty,averageproductcost unitcost,0 as stock_product from sale_det pd,product p where d where qty>0 and sale_id=v_sale_id ; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set d = 1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' start transaction; select payment_status_id into v_payment_status_id from quotation where id=p_quotation_id; if (v_payment_status_id=1 and p_quotation_id is not null ) then delete from sale where quotation_id=p_quotation_id; insert into sale(date,customer_id,warehouse_id,ordertax,discount ,shipping,sale_status_id,note,reference,paid,due,grandtotal,payment_status_id,totalordertax ,totaldiscount,totalshipping,user_add,user_addt,payment_method,quotation_id) select date,customer_id,warehouse_id,ordertax,discount ,shipping,sale_status_id,note,reference,paid,due,grandtotal,payment_status_id,totalordertax ,totaldiscount,totalshipping,p_user_add,curdate(),'' payment_method,id from quotation where id=p_quotation_id; insert into sale_det(sale_id,product_id,taxtype,ordertax,unitcost,qty,discounttype_id ,discount,subtotal,taxamount,discountamount,grandtotalbeforetaxanddiscount,warehouse_id) select (select id from sale where quotation_id=p_quotation_id) ,product_id,taxtype,ordertax,unitcost,qty,discounttype_id ,discount,subtotal,taxamount,discountamount,grandtotalbeforetaxanddiscount,warehouse_id from quotation_det where quotation_id= p_quotation_id; insert into sale_payment(sale_id,date,receivedamount,payment_typeid,payamount ,paydocument,note) select (select id from sale where quotation_id=p_quotation_id),date,receivedamount,payment_typeid,payamount,paydocument ,note from quotation_payment where quotation_id= p_quotation_id; select id into v_sale_id from sale where quotation_id=p_quotation_id; delete from productavgcost where invoice_id=v_sale_id and invoice_type=2; open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_sale_id,v_product_id,v_qty,v_unitcost,v_stock_product,v_stock_product_del; if d = 1 then leave lbl; close get_cur; end if; insert into productavgcost(productid,productcost,username,changedate,stockmount,invoice_id,invoice_type) values(v_product_id,v_unitcost,p_user_add, NOW(),-v_qty,v_sale_id,2) ; select case when sum(stockmount) > 0 then sum(productcost*stockmount)/sum(stockmount) end as avg_cost into avg_ptoduct_cost from productavgcost where productid=v_product_id; update product set averageproductcost=avg_ptoduct_cost where id=v_product_id; end loop; close get_cur; end if; commit; end;// delimiter ; -- -- create function calcstocksale -- delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstocksale(p_product_id int,p_warehouse_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare v_sale_s decimal; declare v_total decimal; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_sale_s from sale p, sale_det pd where = pd.sale_id and p.sale_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; set v_total = (ifnull(v_sale_s,0)); return v_total; end $$ delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstocksale_product(p_product_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare v_sale_s decimal; declare v_total decimal; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_sale_s from sale p, sale_det pd where = pd.sale_id and p.sale_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; set v_total = (ifnull(v_sale_s,0)); return v_total; end $$ -- -- create function calcstockpurchase -- delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstockpurchase(p_product_id int,p_warehouse_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare v_purchase_s decimal; declare v_r_purchase_s decimal; declare v_total decimal; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_purchase_s from purchase p, purchase_det pd where = pd.purchase_id and p.purchase_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; set v_total = (ifnull(v_purchase_s,0)); return v_total; end $$ -- -- create function calcstockproduct -- delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstockproduct(p_product_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare v_total decimal(18,3); select ifnull(sum(calcstock_invoice(product_id,warehouse_id)),0) into v_total from product_warehouse where product_id = p_product_id; return v_total; end $$ -- -- create function calcstock_det_composite -- delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstock_det_composite(p_product_id int,p_warehouse_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare v_manufacturing decimal(18,3); declare v_r_purchase_s decimal(18,3); declare v_sale_s decimal(18,3); declare v_r_sale_s decimal(18,3); declare v_f_transfer decimal(18,3); declare v_t_transfer decimal(18,3); declare v_sell_in_minus varchar(50); declare v_total decimal(18,3); declare v_adqty decimal(18,3); declare v_adjust_type int; declare is_composite int; select sum(ifnull(qty, 0)) into v_manufacturing from product_manufacturing where product_id = p_product_id and warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_sale_s from sale p, sale_det pd where = pd.sale_id and p.sale_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_r_sale_s from return_sale p, return_sale_det pd where = pd.return_sale_id and p.sale_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_f_transfer from transfer p, transfer_det pd where = pd.transfer_id and p.transfer_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.from_wharehouse_id = p_warehouse_id ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_t_transfer from transfer p, transfer_det pd where = pd.transfer_id and p.transfer_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.to_warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id ; set v_total = v_manufacturing-(ifnull(v_sale_s,0)-ifnull(v_r_sale_s,0)); if v_f_transfer>0 then set v_total=v_total-v_f_transfer; end if; if v_t_transfer>0 then set v_total=v_total+v_t_transfer; end if; select ifnull(adqty, 0), adjust_type into v_adqty, v_adjust_type from product_warehouse where warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and product_id = p_product_id; if v_adjust_type=1 then set v_total:=v_total+(v_adqty); end if; if v_adjust_type=2 then set v_total:=v_total-(v_adqty); end if; if v_sell_in_minus='yes' then set v_total=abs(v_total); end if; return v_total; end $$ -- -- create function calcstock_det -- delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstock_det(p_product_id int,p_warehouse_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare v_purchase_s decimal(18,3); declare v_r_purchase_s decimal(18,3); declare v_sale_s decimal(18,3); declare v_r_sale_s decimal(18,3); declare v_f_transfer decimal(18,3); declare v_t_transfer decimal(18,3); declare v_sell_in_minus varchar(50); declare v_total decimal(18,3); declare v_adqty decimal(18,3); declare v_adjust_type int; declare is_composite int; declare v_man_q decimal(18,3); select sell_in_minus into v_sell_in_minus from system_settings; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_purchase_s from purchase p, purchase_det pd where = pd.purchase_id and p.purchase_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_r_purchase_s from return_purchase p, return_purchase_det pd where = pd.return_purchase_id and p.purchase_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_sale_s from sale p, sale_det pd where = pd.sale_id and p.sale_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_r_sale_s from return_sale p, return_sale_det pd where = pd.return_sale_id and p.sale_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty*p.Qty, 0)) into v_man_q from composite_product p, product_manufacturing pd where p.product_id = pd.product_id and p.product_id_det = p_product_id and pd.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_f_transfer from transfer p, transfer_det pd where = pd.transfer_id and p.transfer_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.from_wharehouse_id = p_warehouse_id ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_t_transfer from transfer p, transfer_det pd where = pd.transfer_id and p.transfer_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.to_warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id ; set v_total = (ifnull(v_purchase_s,0)-ifnull(v_r_purchase_s,0))-(ifnull(v_sale_s,0)-ifnull(v_r_sale_s,0)) -ifnull(v_man_q,0); if v_f_transfer>0 then set v_total=v_total-v_f_transfer; end if; if v_t_transfer>0 then set v_total=v_total+v_t_transfer; end if; select ifnull(adqty, 0), adjust_type into v_adqty, v_adjust_type from product_warehouse where warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and product_id = p_product_id; if v_adjust_type=1 then set v_total:=v_total+(v_adqty); end if; if v_adjust_type=2 then set v_total:=v_total-(v_adqty); end if; if v_sell_in_minus='yes' then set v_total=abs(v_total); end if; return v_total; end $$ -- -- create function calcstock -- delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstock_det_without_man(p_product_id int,p_warehouse_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare v_purchase_s decimal(18,3); declare v_r_purchase_s decimal(18,3); declare v_sale_s decimal(18,3); declare v_r_sale_s decimal(18,3); declare v_f_transfer decimal(18,3); declare v_t_transfer decimal(18,3); declare v_sell_in_minus varchar(50); declare v_total decimal(18,3); declare v_adqty decimal(18,3); declare v_adjust_type int; declare is_composite int; declare v_sale_comp_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_r_sale_comp_qty decimal(18,3); select sell_in_minus into v_sell_in_minus from system_settings; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_purchase_s from purchase p, purchase_det pd where = pd.purchase_id and p.purchase_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_r_purchase_s from return_purchase p, return_purchase_det pd where = pd.return_purchase_id and p.purchase_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_sale_s from sale p, sale_det pd where = pd.sale_id and p.sale_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_r_sale_s from return_sale p, return_sale_det pd where = pd.return_sale_id and p.sale_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty*cp.Qty, 0)) into v_sale_comp_qty from sale p, sale_det pd, composite_product cp where = pd.sale_id and p.sale_status_id = 1 and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 and cp.product_id=pd.product_id and cp.product_id_det=p_product_id ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty*cp.Qty, 0)) into v_r_sale_comp_qty from return_sale p, return_sale_det pd, composite_product cp where = pd.return_sale_id and p.sale_status_id = 1 and p.warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and p.payment_status_id!=2 and cp.product_id=pd.product_id and cp.product_id_det=p_product_id ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_f_transfer from transfer p, transfer_det pd where = pd.transfer_id and p.transfer_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.from_wharehouse_id = p_warehouse_id ; select sum(ifnull(pd.qty, 0)) into v_t_transfer from transfer p, transfer_det pd where = pd.transfer_id and p.transfer_status_id = 1 and pd.product_id = p_product_id and p.to_warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id ; set v_total = (ifnull(v_purchase_s,0)-ifnull(v_r_purchase_s,0))- (ifnull(v_sale_s,0)-ifnull(v_r_sale_s,0))-(ifnull(v_sale_comp_qty,0)-ifnull(v_r_sale_comp_qty,0)); if v_f_transfer>0 then set v_total=v_total-v_f_transfer; end if; if v_t_transfer>0 then set v_total=v_total+v_t_transfer; end if; select ifnull(adqty, 0), adjust_type into v_adqty, v_adjust_type from product_warehouse where warehouse_id = p_warehouse_id and product_id = p_product_id; if v_adjust_type=1 then set v_total:=v_total+(v_adqty); end if; if v_adjust_type=2 then set v_total:=v_total-(v_adqty); end if; if v_sell_in_minus='yes' then set v_total=abs(v_total); end if; return v_total; end $$ -- -- create function calcstock -- delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstock(p_product_id int,p_warehouse_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare number_of_items decimal(18,3); declare v_total decimal(18,3); declare v_item_stock decimal(18,3); declare v_Qty decimal(18,3); declare is_composite1 int; declare is_composite2 int; declare v_product_id_det int; select count(1) into is_composite1 from product where id=p_product_id and (is_composite is null or is_composite=0); if is_composite1>0 then select calcstock_det(p_product_id ,p_warehouse_id) into v_total; end if; select count(1) into is_composite2 from product where id=p_product_id and ( is_composite=1); IF is_composite2>0 THEN select calcstock_det_composite(p_product_id ,p_warehouse_id) into v_total; end if; return v_total; end $$ -- -- create function calcstock_invoice -- delimiter $$ CREATE FUNCTION calcstock_invoice(p_product_id int,p_warehouse_id int) RETURNS decimal(18,3) begin declare number_of_items decimal(18,3); declare v_total decimal(18,3); declare v_item_stock decimal(18,3); declare v_Qty decimal(18,3); declare is_composite1 int; declare is_composite2 int; declare v_product_id_det int; select count(1) into is_composite1 from product where id=p_product_id and (is_composite is null or is_composite=0); if is_composite1>0 then select calcstock_det(p_product_id ,p_warehouse_id) into v_total; end if; select count(1) into is_composite2 from product where id=p_product_id and ( is_composite=1); IF is_composite2>0 THEN select calcstock_det_composite(p_product_id ,p_warehouse_id) into v_total; end if; return v_total; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_product_manufacturing_delete -- delimiter $$ CREATE TRIGGER set_product_warehouse_product_manufacturing_delete AFTER DELETE ON product_manufacturing FOR EACH ROW begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(old.product_id, old.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (old.product_id, old.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_product_manufacturing_insert -- delimiter $$ CREATE TRIGGER set_product_warehouse_product_manufacturing_insert AFTER INSERT ON product_manufacturing FOR EACH ROW begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_product_manufacturing_update -- delimiter $$ CREATE TRIGGER set_product_warehouse_product_manufacturing_update AFTER UPDATE ON product_manufacturing FOR EACH ROW begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_transfer_det_update -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_transfer_det_update after update on transfer_det for each row begin declare v_qty_f decimal(18,3); declare v_qty_t decimal(18,3); declare v_f1 int; declare v_f2 int; select count(1) into v_f1 from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.from_wharehouse_id; set v_qty_f:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.from_wharehouse_id)); if v_f1=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.from_wharehouse_id, v_qty_f); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty_f where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.from_wharehouse_id; end if; select count(1) into v_f2 from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.to_warehouse_id; set v_qty_t:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.to_warehouse_id)); if v_f2=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.to_warehouse_id, v_qty_t); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty_t where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.to_warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_transfer_det_insert -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_transfer_det_insert after insert on transfer_det for each row begin declare v_qty_f decimal(18,3); declare v_qty_t decimal(18,3); declare v_f1 int; declare v_f2 int; select count(1) into v_f1 from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.from_wharehouse_id; set v_qty_f:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.from_wharehouse_id)); if v_f1=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.from_wharehouse_id, v_qty_f); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty_f where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.from_wharehouse_id; end if; select count(1) into v_f2 from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.to_warehouse_id; set v_qty_t:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.to_warehouse_id)); if v_f2=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.to_warehouse_id, v_qty_t); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty_t where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.to_warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_transfer_det_delete -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_transfer_det_delete before delete on transfer_det for each row begin declare v_qty_f decimal(18,3); declare v_qty_t decimal(18,3); declare v_f1 int; declare v_f2 int; select count(1) into v_f1 from product_warehouse where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.from_wharehouse_id; set v_qty_f:=( select calcstock_invoice(old.product_id, old.from_wharehouse_id)); if v_f1=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (old.product_id, old.from_wharehouse_id, v_qty_f); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty_f where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.from_wharehouse_id; end if; select count(1) into v_f2 from product_warehouse where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.to_warehouse_id; set v_qty_t:=( select calcstock_invoice(old.product_id, old.to_warehouse_id)); if v_f2=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (old.product_id, old.to_warehouse_id, v_qty_t); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty_t where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.to_warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_sale_det_update -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_sale_det_update after update on sale_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_sale_det_insert -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_sale_det_insert after insert on sale_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_sale_det_delete -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_sale_det_delete after delete on sale_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(old.product_id, old.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (old.product_id, old.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_sale_det_update -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_sale_det_update after update on return_sale_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_sale_det_insert -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_sale_det_insert after insert on return_sale_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_sale_det_delete -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_sale_det_delete after delete on return_sale_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(old.product_id, old.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (old.product_id, old.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_purchase_det_update -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_purchase_det_update after update on return_purchase_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_purchase_det_insert -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_purchase_det_insert after insert on return_purchase_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_purchase_det_delete -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_return_purchase_det_delete after delete on return_purchase_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(old.product_id, old.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (old.product_id, old.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_quotation_det_update -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_quotation_det_update after update on quotation_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_quotation_det_insert -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_quotation_det_insert after insert on quotation_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_quotation_det_delete -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_quotation_det_delete after delete on quotation_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(old.product_id, old.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (old.product_id, old.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_purchase_det_update -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_purchase_det_update after update on purchase_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_purchase_det_insert -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_purchase_det_insert after insert on purchase_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(new.product_id, new.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (new.product_id, new.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = new.product_id and warehouse_id = new.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create trigger set_product_warehouse_purchase_det_delete -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_product_warehouse_purchase_det_delete after delete on purchase_det for each row begin declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_f int; select count(1) into v_f from product_warehouse where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; set v_qty:=( select calcstock_invoice(old.product_id, old.warehouse_id)); if v_f=0 then insert into product_warehouse (product_id, warehouse_id, qty) values (old.product_id, old.warehouse_id, v_qty); else update product_warehouse set qty = v_qty where product_id = old.product_id and warehouse_id = old.warehouse_id; end if; end $$ -- -- create view vi_product_total -- delimiter $$ CREATE VIEW vi_product_total AS SELECT d.product_id AS product_id, d.warehouse_id AS warehouse_id, AS date, d.invoicetype AS invoicetype, SUM(d.qty) AS qty, SUM(d.unitcost) AS unitcost, SUM(d.taxamount) AS taxamount, SUM(d.discountamount) AS discountamount, SUM(d.subtotal) AS subtotal FROM (SELECT pd.product_id AS product_id, p.warehouse_id AS warehouse_id, AS date, IFNULL(SUM(pd.qty), 0) AS qty, IFNULL(SUM(pd.unitcost), 0) AS unitcost, IFNULL(SUM(pd.taxamount), 0) AS taxamount, IFNULL(SUM(pd.discountamount), 0) AS discountamount, IFNULL(SUM(pd.subtotal), 0) AS subtotal, 1 AS invoicetype FROM (purchase p JOIN purchase_det pd) WHERE = pd.purchase_id AND p.purchase_status_id = 1 AND p.payment_status_id <> 2 GROUP BY pd.product_id, p.warehouse_id, UNION SELECT pd.product_id AS product_id, p.warehouse_id AS warehouse_id, AS date, IFNULL(SUM(pd.qty), 0) AS qty, IFNULL(SUM(pd.unitcost), 0) AS unitprice, IFNULL(SUM(pd.taxamount), 0) AS taxamount, IFNULL(SUM(pd.discountamount), 0) AS discountamount, IFNULL(SUM(pd.subtotal), 0) AS subtotal, 2 AS invoicetype FROM (sale p JOIN sale_det pd) WHERE = pd.sale_id AND p.sale_status_id = 1 AND p.payment_status_id <> 2 GROUP BY pd.product_id, p.warehouse_id, UNION SELECT pd.product_id AS product_id, p.warehouse_id AS warehouse_id, AS date, IFNULL(SUM(pd.qty), 0) AS qty, IFNULL(SUM(pd.unitcost), 0) AS unitcost, IFNULL(SUM(pd.taxamount), 0) AS taxamount, IFNULL(SUM(pd.discountamount), 0) AS discountamount, IFNULL(SUM(pd.subtotal), 0) AS subtotal, 3 AS invoicetype FROM (return_purchase p JOIN return_purchase_det pd) WHERE = pd.return_purchase_id AND p.purchase_status_id = 1 AND p.payment_status_id <> 2 GROUP BY pd.product_id, p.warehouse_id, UNION SELECT pd.product_id AS product_id, p.warehouse_id AS warehouse_id, AS date, IFNULL(SUM(pd.qty), 0) AS qty, IFNULL(SUM(pd.unitcost), 0) AS unitcost, IFNULL(SUM(pd.taxamount), 0) AS taxamount, IFNULL(SUM(pd.discountamount), 0) AS discountamount, IFNULL(SUM(pd.subtotal), 0) AS subtotal, 4 AS invoicetype FROM (return_sale p JOIN return_sale_det pd) WHERE = pd.return_sale_id AND p.sale_status_id = 1 AND p.payment_status_id <> 2 GROUP BY pd.product_id, p.warehouse_id, UNION SELECT pd.product_id AS product_id, p.warehouse_id AS warehouse_id, AS date, IFNULL(SUM(pd.qty), 0) AS qty, IFNULL(SUM(pd.unitcost), 0) AS unitcost, IFNULL(SUM(pd.taxamount), 0) AS taxamount, IFNULL(SUM(pd.discountamount), 0) AS discountamount, IFNULL(SUM(pd.subtotal), 0) AS subtotal, 6 AS invoicetype FROM (quotation p JOIN quotation_det pd) WHERE = pd.quotation_id AND p.sale_status_id = 1 AND p.payment_status_id <> 2 GROUP BY pd.product_id, p.warehouse_id, d GROUP BY d.product_id, d.warehouse_id,, d.invoicetype; $$ -- -- create view vi_total_paid_per_week -- delimiter $$ create view vi_total_paid_per_week as select d.total_paid as total_paid, d.invoicetype as invoicetype, date_format(, '%d-%m-%y') as date from (select ifnull(sum(ifnull( purchase_payment.receivedamount, 0)), 0) as total_paid, 1 as invoicetype, as date from purchase_payment where week( = week(curdate()) group by union select ifnull(sum(ifnull( sale_payment.receivedamount, 0)), 0) as total_paid, 2 as invoicetype, as date from sale_payment where week( = week(curdate()) group by union select ifnull(sum(ifnull( return_purchase_payment.receivedamount, 0)), 0) as total_paid, 3 as invoicetype, as date from return_purchase_payment where week( = week(curdate()) group by union select ifnull(sum(ifnull( return_sale_payment.receivedamount, 0)), 0) as total_paid, 4 as invoicetype, as date from return_sale_payment where week( = week(curdate()) group by union select ifnull(sum(ifnull( expenses.amount, 0)), 0) as total_paid, 5 as invoicetype, as date from expenses where week( = week(curdate()) group by d order by date_format(, '%d-%m-%y'); $$ -- -- create view vi_supplier -- delimiter $$ create view vi_supplier as select as name, as phone, as email, c.address as address, ifnull((select sum(purchase.grandtotal) from purchase where purchase.supplier_id =, 0) as grandtotal, ifnull((select sum(purchase.paid) from purchase where purchase.supplier_id =, 0) as paid, ifnull((select sum(purchase.due) from purchase where purchase.supplier_id =, 0) as due, (select count( from purchase where purchase.supplier_id = as totalpurchase, 1 as invoice_type from supplier c union select as name, as phone, as email, c.address as address, ifnull((select sum(return_purchase.grandtotal) from return_purchase where return_purchase.supplier_id =, 0) as grandtotal, ifnull((select sum(return_purchase.paid) from return_purchase where return_purchase.supplier_id =, 0) as paid, ifnull((select sum(purchase.due) from purchase where purchase.supplier_id =, 0) as due, (select count( from return_purchase where return_purchase.supplier_id = as totalpurchase, 3 as invoice_type from supplier c; $$ -- -- create view vi_sale_return -- delimiter $$ create view vi_sale_return as select as date, return_sale.reference as reference, return_sale.customer_id as customer_id, return_sale.warehouse_id as warehouse_id, return_sale.sale_status_id as sale_status_id, return_sale.payment_status_id as payment_status_id, return_sale.paid as paid, return_sale.due as due, return_sale.grandtotal as grandtotal from return_sale order by desc; $$ -- -- create view vi_sale_payment -- delimiter $$ create view vi_sale_payment as select as date, p.reference as reference, p.customer_id as customer_id, p.payment_status_id as payment_status_id, p.grandtotal as grandtotal, p.paid as paid, p.due as due, py.receivedamount as receivedamount, py.payment_typeid as payment_typeid from (sale p join sale_payment py) where = py.sale_id; $$ -- -- create view vi_sale2 -- delimiter $$ create view vi_sale2 as select as id, as date, sale.reference as reference, sale.customer_id as customer_id, sale.warehouse_id as warehouse_id, sale.sale_status_id as sale_status_id, sale.payment_status_id as payment_status_id, sale.paid as paid, sale.due as due, sale.grandtotal as grandtotal from sale order by desc limit 5; $$ -- -- create view vi_sale -- delimiter $$ create view vi_sale as select as id, as date, sale.reference as reference, sale.customer_id as customer_id, sale.warehouse_id as warehouse_id, sale.sale_status_id as sale_status_id, sale.payment_status_id as payment_status_id, sale.paid as paid, sale.due as due, sale.grandtotal as grandtotal from sale order by desc; $$ -- -- create view vi_return_sale_payment -- delimiter $$ create view vi_return_sale_payment as select as date, p.reference as reference, p.customer_id as customer_id, p.payment_status_id as payment_status_id, p.grandtotal as grandtotal, p.paid as paid, p.due as due, py.receivedamount as receivedamount, py.payment_typeid as payment_typeid from (return_sale p join return_sale_payment py) where = py.sale_id; $$ -- -- create view vi_quantityalerts -- delimiter $$ create view vi_quantityalerts as select pw.warehouse_id as warehouse_id, as name, p.codeproduct as codeproduct, pw.qty as qty, p.stockalert as stockalert from (product_warehouse pw join product p) where pw.product_id = and pw.qty <= p.stockalert; $$ -- -- create view vi_purchase_return_payment -- delimiter $$ create view vi_purchase_return_payment as select as date, p.reference as reference, p.supplier_id as supplier_id, p.payment_status_id as payment_status_id, p.grandtotal as grandtotal, p.paid as paid, p.due as due, py.receivedamount as receivedamount, py.payment_typeid as payment_typeid from (return_purchase p join return_purchase_payment py) where = py.return_purchase_id; $$ -- -- create view vi_purchase_return -- delimiter $$ create view vi_purchase_return as select as date, return_purchase.reference as reference, return_purchase.supplier_id as supplier_id, return_purchase.warehouse_id as warehouse_id, return_purchase.purchase_status_id as purchase_status_id, return_purchase.payment_status_id as payment_status_id, return_purchase.paid as paid, return_purchase.due as due, return_purchase.grandtotal as grandtotal from return_purchase order by desc; $$ -- -- create view vi_purchase_payment -- delimiter $$ create view vi_purchase_payment as select as date, p.reference as reference, p.supplier_id as supplier_id, p.payment_status_id as payment_status_id, p.grandtotal as grandtotal, p.paid as paid, p.due as due, py.receivedamount as receivedamount, py.payment_typeid as payment_typeid from (purchase p join purchase_payment py) where = py.purchase_id; $$ -- -- create view vi_purchase -- delimiter $$ create view vi_purchase as select as date, purchase.reference as reference, purchase.supplier_id as supplier_id, purchase.warehouse_id as warehouse_id, purchase.purchase_status_id as purchase_status_id, purchase.payment_status_id as payment_status_id, purchase.paid as paid, purchase.due as due, purchase.grandtotal as grandtotal from purchase order by desc; $$ -- -- create view vi_product_warehouse -- delimiter $$ create view vi_product_warehouse as select id, name, p.codeproduct as codeproduct, p.productprice as productprice, p.image as image, pw.qty as qty, pw.warehouse_id as warehouse_id, p.variant_id as variant_id, p.category_id as category_id, p.brand_id as brand_id, p.stockalert as stockalert, p.taxtype_id as taxtype_id, p.productcost as productcost, (select lk_unit.shortname from lk_unit where = p.saleunit) as shortnamesaleunit, (select lk_unit.shortname from lk_unit where = p.purchaseunit) as shortnamepurchaseunit from (product p left join product_warehouse pw on ( = pw.product_id)) where = case when (select system_settings.sell_in_minus from system_settings) = 'No' then pw.product_id else end and (calcstock(,pw.warehouse_id) > 0 or (select system_settings.sell_in_minus from system_settings) = 'Yes') and (p.product_sell_status = 1 or p.product_sell_status = 3); $$ -- -- create view vi_pos_sale_payment -- delimiter $$ create view vi_pos_sale_payment as select as id, sale_payment.sale_id as sale_id, as date, sale_payment.receivedamount as receivedamount, sale_payment.payment_typeid as payment_typeid, sale_payment.payamount as payamount, sale_payment.paydocument as paydocument, sale_payment.note as note from sale_payment; $$ -- -- create view vi_pos_sale_det -- delimiter $$ create view vi_pos_sale_det as select as id, sale_det.sale_id as sale_id, sale_det.product_id as product_id, sale_det.taxtype as taxtype, sale_det.ordertax as ordertax, sale_det.unitcost as unitcost, sale_det.qty as qty, sale_det.discounttype_id as discounttype_id, as discount, sale_det.subtotal as subtotal, sale_det.taxamount as taxamount, sale_det.discountamount as discountamount, sale_det.grandtotalbeforetaxanddiscount as grandtotalbeforetaxanddiscount, sale_det.warehouse_id as warehouse_id from sale_det; $$ -- -- create view vi_pos_sale -- delimiter $$ create view vi_pos_sale as select as id, as date, sale.customer_id as customer_id, sale.warehouse_id as warehouse_id, sale.ordertax as ordertax, as discount, sale.shipping as shipping, sale.sale_status_id as sale_status_id, sale.note as note, sale.reference as reference, sale.pos_received_amount as received_amount, sale.due as due, sale.grandtotal as grandtotal, sale.payment_status_id as payment_status_id, sale.totalordertax as totalordertax, sale.totaldiscount as totaldiscount, sale.totalshipping as totalshipping, sale.user_add as user_add, sale.user_addt as user_addt, sale.user_upd as user_upd, sale.user_updt as user_updt, sale.payment_method as payment_method ,return_amount ,paid from sale; $$ -- -- create view vi_lk_warehouse -- delimiter $$ create view vi_lk_warehouse as select as id, as name, lk_warehouse.country_id as country_id, as email, as phone, as city, lk_warehouse.zip_code as zip_code, lk_warehouse.visible as visible from lk_warehouse; $$ -- -- create view vi_customer -- delimiter $$ create view vi_customer as select as name, as phone, as email, c.address as address, ifnull((select sum(sale.grandtotal) from sale where sale.customer_id =, 0) as grandtotal, ifnull((select sum(sale.paid) from sale where sale.customer_id =, 0) as paid, ifnull((select sum(sale.due) from sale where sale.customer_id =, 0) as due, (select count( from sale where sale.customer_id = as totalsale, 2 as invoice_type from customer c union select as name, as phone, as email, c.address as address, ifnull((select sum(return_sale.grandtotal) from return_sale where return_sale.customer_id =, 0) as grandtotal, ifnull((select sum(return_sale.paid) from return_sale where return_sale.customer_id =, 0) as paid, ifnull((select sum(return_sale.due) from return_sale where return_sale.customer_id =, 0) as due, (select count( from return_sale where return_sale.customer_id = as totalsale, 4 as invoice_type from customer c union select as name, as phone, as email, c.address as address, ifnull((select sum(quotation.grandtotal) from quotation where quotation.customer_id =, 0) as grandtotal, ifnull((select sum(quotation.paid) from quotation where quotation.customer_id =, 0) as paid, ifnull((select sum(quotation.due) from quotation where quotation.customer_id =, 0) as due, (select count( from quotation where quotation.customer_id = as totalsale, 6 as invoice_type from customer c; $$ -- -- create view profile -- delimiter $$ create view profile as select as id, stickyshop_users.username as username, stickyshop_users.password as password, as email, stickyshop_users.fullname as fullname, stickyshop_users.groupid as groupid, as active, stickyshop_users.data_group_id as data_group_id, stickyshop_users.ext_security_id as ext_security_id, stickyshop_users.warehouse_id_ as warehouse_id_, stickyshop_users.warehouse_id as warehouse_id, as tel, as photo from stickyshop_users; $$ -- -- create trigger set_warehouse_id_transfer_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_warehouse_id_transfer_det before insert on transfer_det for each row begin declare v_to_warehouse_id int(11); declare v_from_warehouse_id int(11); set v_to_warehouse_id:=( select to_warehouse_id from transfer where id = new.transfer_id); set v_from_warehouse_id:=( select from_wharehouse_id from transfer where id = new.transfer_id); set new.to_warehouse_id=v_to_warehouse_id; set new.from_wharehouse_id=v_from_warehouse_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_warehouse_id_sale_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_warehouse_id_sale_det before insert on sale_det for each row begin declare v_warehouse_id int(11); set v_warehouse_id:=( select warehouse_id from sale where id = new.sale_id); set new.warehouse_id=v_warehouse_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_warehouse_id_return_sale_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_warehouse_id_return_sale_det before insert on return_sale_det for each row begin declare v_warehouse_id int(11); set v_warehouse_id:=( select warehouse_id from return_sale where id = new.return_sale_id); set new.warehouse_id=v_warehouse_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_warehouse_id_return_purchase_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_warehouse_id_return_purchase_det before insert on return_purchase_det for each row begin declare v_warehouse_id int(11); set v_warehouse_id:=( select warehouse_id from return_purchase where id = new.return_purchase_id); set new.warehouse_id=v_warehouse_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_warehouse_id_quotation_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_warehouse_id_quotation_det before insert on quotation_det for each row begin declare v_warehouse_id int(11); set v_warehouse_id:=( select warehouse_id from quotation where id = new.quotation_id); set new.warehouse_id=v_warehouse_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_warehouse_id_purchase_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_warehouse_id_purchase_det before insert on purchase_det for each row begin declare v_warehouse_id int(11); set v_warehouse_id:=( select warehouse_id from purchase where id = new.purchase_id); set new.warehouse_id=v_warehouse_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_transfer_ref -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_transfer_ref before insert on transfer for each row begin declare ref_id varchar(200); set ref_id:=( select concat("tra_", (select count(id) + 1 from transfer), '_', date_format(curdate(), "%d%m%y"))); set new.reference = ref_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_sale_ref -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_sale_ref before insert on sale for each row begin declare ref_id varchar(200); set ref_id:=( select concat("sl_", (select count(id) + 1 from sale), '_', date_format(curdate(), "%d%m%y"))); set new.reference = ref_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_ret_sale_ref -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_ret_sale_ref before insert on return_sale for each row begin declare ref_id varchar(200); set ref_id:=( select concat("sl_r_", (select count(id) + 1 from return_sale), '_', date_format(curdate(), "%d%m%y"))); set new.reference = ref_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_quatation_ref -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_quatation_ref before insert on quotation for each row begin declare ref_id varchar(200); set ref_id:=( select concat("qt_", (select count(id) + 1 from quotation), '_', date_format(curdate(), "%d%m%y"))); set new.reference = ref_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_purchase_ref_ret -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_purchase_ref_ret before insert on return_purchase for each row begin declare ref_id varchar(200); set ref_id:=( select concat("pr_r_", (select count(id) + 1 from return_purchase), '_', date_format(curdate(), "%d%m%y"))); set new.reference = ref_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_purchase_ref -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_purchase_ref before insert on purchase for each row begin declare ref_id varchar(200); set ref_id:=( select concat("pr_", (select count(id) + 1 from purchase), '_', date_format(curdate(), "%d%m%y"))); set new.reference = ref_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_expenses_ref -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_expenses_ref before insert on expenses for each row begin declare ref_id varchar(200); set ref_id:=( select concat("exp_", (select count(id) + 1 from expenses), '_', date_format(curdate(), "%d%m%y"))); set new.reference = ref_id; end; $$ -- -- create trigger setlevelbeforeinsert -- delimiter $$ create trigger setlevelbeforeinsert before insert on lk_category for each row begin declare plevel int; if new.master_cat is not null then select level into plevel from lk_category where id = new.master_cat; set new.level = plevel + 1; else set new.level = 0; end if; end; $$ -- -- create trigger del_transfer_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger del_transfer_det before delete on transfer for each row begin delete from transfer_det where transfer_id =; end; $$ -- -- create trigger del_sale_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger del_sale_det before delete on sale for each row begin declare v_sale_id int(11); declare v_product_id int(11); declare v_unitcost decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product_del decimal(18,3); declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product decimal(18,3); declare avg_ptoduct_cost decimal(18,3); declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select d.*,0 stock_product_del from (select sale_id,pd.product_id,pd.qty,averageproductcost unitcost,0 as stock_product from sale_det pd,product p where ) d where qty>0 and; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set d = 1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set d = 1; delete from productavgcost where and invoice_type=2; open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_sale_id, v_product_id,v_qty,v_unitcost,v_stock_product,v_stock_product_del; if d = 1 then leave lbl; close get_cur; end if; select case when sum(stockmount) > 0 then sum(productcost*stockmount)/sum(stockmount) end as avg_cost into avg_ptoduct_cost from productavgcost where productid=v_product_id; update product set averageproductcost=avg_ptoduct_cost where id=v_product_id; end loop; close get_cur; delete from sale_det where sale_id =; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_return_sale_avg_cost -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_return_sale_avg_cost before update on return_sale for each row begin declare v_return_sale_id int(11); declare v_f int(11); declare v_product_id int(11); declare v_unitcost decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product_del decimal(18,3); declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product decimal(18,3); declare avg_ptoduct_cost decimal(18,3); declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select d.*,0 stock_product_del from (select return_sale_id,pd.product_id,pd.qty,averageproductcost unitcost,0 as stock_product from return_sale_det pd,product p where ) d where qty>0 and; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set d = 1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set d = 1; select count(1) into v_f from productavgcost where and invoice_type=4; if (new.payment_status_id!=2 and v_f=0) then open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_return_sale_id, v_product_id,v_qty,v_unitcost,v_stock_product,v_stock_product_del; if d = 1 then leave lbl; close get_cur; end if; insert into productavgcost(productid,productcost,username,changedate,stockmount,invoice_id,invoice_type) values(v_product_id,v_unitcost,new.user_upd, NOW(),v_qty,,4) ; select case when sum(stockmount) > 0 then sum(productcost*stockmount)/sum(stockmount) end as avg_cost into avg_ptoduct_cost from productavgcost where productid=v_product_id; update product set averageproductcost=avg_ptoduct_cost where id=v_product_id; end loop; close get_cur; end if; end; $$ -- -- create trigger del_return_sale_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger del_return_sale_det before delete on return_sale for each row begin declare v_return_sale_id int(11); declare v_product_id int(11); declare v_unitcost decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product_del decimal(18,3); declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product decimal(18,3); declare avg_ptoduct_cost decimal(18,3); declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select d.*,0 stock_product_del from (select return_sale_id,pd.product_id,pd.qty,averageproductcost unitcost,0 as stock_product from return_sale_det pd,product p where ) d where qty>0 and; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set d = 1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set d = 1; delete from productavgcost where and invoice_type=4; open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_return_sale_id, v_product_id,v_qty,v_unitcost,v_stock_product,v_stock_product_del; if d = 1 then leave lbl; close get_cur; end if; select case when sum(stockmount) > 0 then sum(productcost*stockmount)/sum(stockmount) end as avg_cost into avg_ptoduct_cost from productavgcost where productid=v_product_id; update product set averageproductcost=avg_ptoduct_cost where id=v_product_id; end loop; close get_cur; delete from return_sale_det where return_sale_id =; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_return_purchase_avg_cost -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_return_purchase_avg_cost before update on return_purchase for each row begin declare v_return_purchase_id int(11); declare v_f int(11); declare v_product_id int(11); declare v_unitcost decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product_del decimal(18,3); declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product decimal(18,3); declare avg_ptoduct_cost decimal(18,3); declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select d.*,0 stock_product_del from (select return_purchase_id,pd.product_id,pd.qty,pd.unitcost,0 as stock_product from return_purchase_det pd,product p where ) d where qty>0 and; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set d = 1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set d = 1; select count(1) into v_f from productavgcost where and invoice_type=3; if (new.payment_status_id!=2 and v_f=0) then open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_return_purchase_id, v_product_id,v_qty,v_unitcost,v_stock_product,v_stock_product_del; if d = 1 then leave lbl; close get_cur; end if; insert into productavgcost(productid,productcost,username,changedate,stockmount,invoice_id,invoice_type ) values(v_product_id,v_unitcost,new.user_upd, NOW(),-v_qty,,3) ; select case when sum(stockmount) > 0 then sum(productcost*stockmount)/sum(stockmount) end as avg_cost into avg_ptoduct_cost from productavgcost where productid=v_product_id; update product set averageproductcost=avg_ptoduct_cost where id=v_product_id; end loop; close get_cur; end if; end; $$ -- -- create trigger del_return_purchase_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger del_return_purchase_det before delete on return_purchase for each row begin declare v_return_purchase_id int(11); declare v_product_id int(11); declare v_unitcost decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product_del decimal(18,3); declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product decimal(18,3); declare avg_ptoduct_cost decimal(18,3); declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select d.*,0 stock_product_del from (select return_purchase_id,pd.product_id,pd.qty,pd.unitcost,0 as stock_product from return_purchase_det pd,product p where ) d where qty>0 and; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set d = 1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set d = 1; delete from productavgcost where and invoice_type=3; open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_return_purchase_id, v_product_id,v_qty,v_unitcost,v_stock_product,v_stock_product_del; if d = 1 then leave lbl; close get_cur; end if; select case when sum(stockmount) > 0 then sum(productcost*stockmount)/sum(stockmount) end as avg_cost into avg_ptoduct_cost from productavgcost where productid=v_product_id; update product set averageproductcost=avg_ptoduct_cost where id=v_product_id; end loop; close get_cur; delete from return_purchase_det where return_purchase_id =; end; $$ -- -- create trigger del_quotation_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger del_quotation_det before delete on quotation for each row begin delete from quotation_det where quotation_id =; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_sale_det_avg_cost -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_sale_det_avg_cost before update on sale for each row begin declare v_sale_id int(11); declare v_f int(11); declare v_product_id int(11); declare v_unitcost decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product_del decimal(18,3); declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product decimal(18,3); declare avg_ptoduct_cost decimal(18,3); declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select d.*,0 stock_product_del from (select sale_id,pd.product_id,pd.qty,averageproductcost unitcost,0 as stock_product from sale_det pd,product p where ) d where qty>0 and; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set d = 1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set d = 1; select count(1) into v_f from productavgcost where and invoice_type=2; if (new.payment_status_id!=2 and v_f=0) then open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_sale_id, v_product_id,v_qty,v_unitcost,v_stock_product,v_stock_product_del; if d = 1 then leave lbl; close get_cur; end if; insert into productavgcost(productid,productcost,username,changedate,stockmount,invoice_id,invoice_type) values(v_product_id,v_unitcost,new.user_upd, NOW(),-v_qty,,2) ; select case when sum(stockmount) > 0 then sum(productcost*stockmount)/sum(stockmount) end as avg_cost into avg_ptoduct_cost from productavgcost where productid=v_product_id; update product set averageproductcost=avg_ptoduct_cost where id=v_product_id; end loop; close get_cur; end if; end; $$ -- -- create trigger set_purchase_avg_cost -- delimiter $$ create trigger set_purchase_avg_cost before update on purchase for each row begin declare v_purchase_id int(11); declare v_f int(11); declare v_product_id int(11); declare v_unitcost decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product_del decimal(18,3); declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product decimal(18,3); declare avg_ptoduct_cost decimal(18,3); declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select D.*,0 stock_product_del from (select purchase_id,pd.product_id,pd.qty,pd.unitcost,0 as stock_product from purchase_det pd,product p where D where qty>0 and; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set d = 1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set d = 1; select count(1) into v_f from productavgcost where and invoice_type=1; if (new.payment_status_id!=2 and v_f=0) then open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_purchase_id, v_product_id,v_qty,v_unitcost,v_stock_product,v_stock_product_del; if d = 1 then leave lbl; close get_cur; end if; insert into productavgcost(productid,productcost,username,changedate,stockmount,invoice_id,invoice_type) values(v_product_id,v_unitcost,new.user_upd, NOW(),v_qty,,1) ; select case when sum(stockmount) > 0 then sum(productcost*stockmount)/sum(stockmount) end as avg_cost into avg_ptoduct_cost from productavgcost where productid=v_product_id; update product set averageproductcost=avg_ptoduct_cost where id=v_product_id; end loop; close get_cur; end if; end; $$ -- -- create trigger del_purchase_det -- delimiter $$ create trigger del_purchase_det before delete on purchase for each row begin declare v_purchase_id int(11); declare v_product_id int(11); declare v_unitcost decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product_del decimal(18,3); declare v_qty decimal(18,3); declare v_stock_product decimal(18,3); declare avg_ptoduct_cost decimal(18,3); declare d int default 0; declare get_cur cursor for select D.*,0 stock_product_del from (select purchase_id,pd.product_id,pd.qty,pd.unitcost,0 as stock_product from purchase_det pd,product p where D where qty>0 and; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set d = 1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set d = 1; delete from productavgcost where and invoice_type=1; open get_cur; lbl: loop fetch get_cur into v_purchase_id, v_product_id,v_qty,v_unitcost,v_stock_product,v_stock_product_del; if d = 1 then leave lbl; close get_cur; end if; select case when sum(stockmount) > 0 then sum(productcost*stockmount)/sum(stockmount) end as avg_cost into avg_ptoduct_cost from productavgcost where productid=v_product_id; update product set averageproductcost=avg_ptoduct_cost where id=v_product_id; end loop; close get_cur; delete from purchase_det where purchase_id =; end; $$ delimiter $$ create view vi_total_paid as select ifnull(sum(ifnull(purchase.paid, 0)), 0) as total_paid, 1 as invoicetype from purchase union select ifnull(sum(ifnull(sale.paid, 0)), 0) as total_paid, 2 as invoicetype from sale union select ifnull(sum(ifnull(return_purchase.paid, 0)), 0) as total_paid, 3 as invoicetype from return_purchase union select ifnull(sum(ifnull(return_sale.paid, 0)), 0) as total_paid, 4 as invoicetype from return_sale union select ifnull(sum(ifnull(expenses.amount, 0)), 0) as total_paid, 5 as invoicetype from expenses; $$ -- -- create view vi_total_paid_rep -- delimiter $$ create view vi_total_paid_rep as select (select vi_total_paid.total_paid from vi_total_paid where vi_total_paid.invoicetype = 1) as purchase, (select vi_total_paid.total_paid from vi_total_paid where vi_total_paid.invoicetype = 2) as sale, (select vi_total_paid.total_paid from vi_total_paid where vi_total_paid.invoicetype = 3) as return_purchase, (select vi_total_paid.total_paid from vi_total_paid where vi_total_paid.invoicetype = 4) as return_sale, (select vi_total_paid.total_paid from vi_total_paid where vi_total_paid.invoicetype = 5) as expenses; $$ -- -- create view vi_sale_product_customer -- delimiter $$ create view vi_sale_product_customer as select as date, sd.product_id as product_id, s.customer_id as customer_id, s.paid as paid from (sale_det sd join sale s) where sd.sale_id =; $$ -- -- create view vi_top_sell_product_year -- delimiter $$ create view vi_top_sell_product_year as select d.total_paid as total_paid, d.product_id as product_id, fn_row_number(0) as row_num from (select ifnull(sum(vi_sale_product_customer.paid),0) as total_paid,vi_sale_product_customer.product_id as product_id,fn_row_number(1) as row_num from vi_sale_product_customer where (year( = year(curdate())) group by vi_sale_product_customer.product_id order by ifnull(sum(vi_sale_product_customer.paid),0) desc limit 5) as d ; $$ -- -- create view vi_product_top_year -- delimiter $$ create view vi_product_top_year as select (select vi_top_sell_product_year.product_id from vi_top_sell_product_year where vi_top_sell_product_year.row_num = 1) as first_product_id, (select vi_top_sell_product_year.product_id from vi_top_sell_product_year where vi_top_sell_product_year.row_num = 2) as second_product_id, (select vi_top_sell_product_year.product_id from vi_top_sell_product_year where vi_top_sell_product_year.row_num = 3) as third_product_id, (select vi_top_sell_product_year.product_id from vi_top_sell_product_year where vi_top_sell_product_year.row_num = 4) as forth_product_id, (select vi_top_sell_product_year.product_id from vi_top_sell_product_year where vi_top_sell_product_year.row_num = 5) as fivith_product_id; $$ -- -- create view vi_top_sell_product_month -- delimiter $$ create view vi_top_sell_product_month as select d.total_paid as total_paid, d.product_id as product_id, fn_row_number(0) as row_num from (select ifnull(sum(vi_sale_product_customer.paid),0) as total_paid,vi_sale_product_customer.product_id as product_id,fn_row_number(1) as row_num from vi_sale_product_customer where (month( = month(curdate())) group by vi_sale_product_customer.product_id order by ifnull(sum(vi_sale_product_customer.paid),0) desc limit 5) as d ; $$ -- -- create view vi_top_sell_costomer_month -- delimiter $$ create view vi_top_sell_costomer_month as select d.total_paid as total_paid, d.customer_id as customer_id, fn_row_number(0) as row_num from (select ifnull(sum(vi_sale_product_customer.paid),0) as total_paid,vi_sale_product_customer.customer_id as customer_id,fn_row_number(1) as row_num from vi_sale_product_customer where (month( = month(curdate())) group by vi_sale_product_customer.customer_id order by ifnull(sum(vi_sale_product_customer.paid),0) desc limit 5) as d ; $$ -- -- create view vi_top_customer -- delimiter $$ create view vi_top_customer as select (select vi_top_sell_costomer_month.customer_id from vi_top_sell_costomer_month where vi_top_sell_costomer_month.row_num = 1) as first_customer_id, (select vi_top_sell_costomer_month.customer_id from vi_top_sell_costomer_month where vi_top_sell_costomer_month.row_num = 2) as second_customer_id, (select vi_top_sell_costomer_month.customer_id from vi_top_sell_costomer_month where vi_top_sell_costomer_month.row_num = 3) as third_customer_id, (select vi_top_sell_costomer_month.customer_id from vi_top_sell_costomer_month where vi_top_sell_costomer_month.row_num = 4) as forth_customer_id, (select vi_top_sell_costomer_month.customer_id from vi_top_sell_costomer_month where vi_top_sell_costomer_month.row_num = 5) as fivith_customer_id; $$ -- -- create view vi_profit_and_loss -- delimiter $$ create view vi_profit_and_loss as select as date, d.grandtotal as grandtotal, d.total_paid as total_paid, d.duetotal as duetotal, as total, d.invoicetype as invoicetype, d.ordertax as ordertax, as discount, d.shipping as shipping, d.warehouse_id as warehouse_id from (select as date, sum(ifnull( purchase.grandtotal, 0)) as grandtotal, sum(ifnull( purchase.paid, 0)) as total_paid, sum(ifnull( purchase.due, 0)) as duetotal, count( as total, 1 as invoicetype, sum(ifnull( purchase.ordertax, 0)) as ordertax, sum(ifnull(, 0)) as discount, sum(ifnull( purchase.shipping, 0)) as shipping, purchase.warehouse_id as warehouse_id from purchase group by, purchase.warehouse_id union select as date, sum(ifnull( sale.grandtotal, 0)) as grandtotal, sum(ifnull( sale.paid, 0)) as total_paid, sum(ifnull( sale.due, 0)) as duetotal, count( as total, 2 as invoicetype, sum(ifnull( sale.ordertax, 0)) as ordertax, sum(ifnull(, 0)) as discount, sum(ifnull( sale.shipping, 0)) as shipping, sale.warehouse_id as warehouse_id from sale group by, sale.warehouse_id union select as date, sum(ifnull( return_purchase.grandtotal, 0)) as grandtotal, sum(ifnull( return_purchase.paid, 0)) as total_paid, sum(ifnull( return_purchase.due, 0)) as duetotal, count( as total, 3 as invoicetype, sum(ifnull( return_purchase.ordertax, 0)) as ordertax, sum(ifnull(, 0)) as discount, sum(ifnull( return_purchase.shipping, 0)) as shipping, return_purchase.warehouse_id as warehouse_id from return_purchase group by, return_purchase.warehouse_id union select as date, sum(ifnull( return_sale.grandtotal, 0)) as grandtotal, sum(ifnull( return_sale.paid, 0)) as total_paid, sum(ifnull( return_sale.due, 0)) as duetotal, count( as total, 4 as invoicetype, sum(ifnull( return_sale.ordertax, 0)) as ordertax, sum(ifnull(, 0)) as discount, sum(ifnull( return_sale.shipping, 0)) as shipping, return_sale.warehouse_id as warehouse_id from return_sale group by, return_sale.warehouse_id union select as date, sum(ifnull( expenses.amount, 0)) as grandtotal, sum(ifnull( expenses.amount, 0)) as total_paid, sum(ifnull( expenses.amount, 0)) as duetotal, count( as total, 5 as invoicetype, 0 as ordertax, 0 as discount, 0 as shipping, expenses.wharehouse_id as wharehouse_id from expenses group by, expenses.wharehouse_id) d; $$ -- -- create view vi_profit_and_loss_total -- delimiter $$ create view vi_profit_and_loss_total as select vi_profit_and_loss.warehouse_id as warehouse_id, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 1 then vi_profit_and_loss.grandtotal end) as grandtotal_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 1 then vi_profit_and_loss.ordertax end) as ordertax_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 1 then end) as discount_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 1 then vi_profit_and_loss.shipping end) as shipping_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 2 then vi_profit_and_loss.grandtotal end) as grandtotal_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 2 then vi_profit_and_loss.ordertax end) as ordertax_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 2 then end) as discount_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 2 then vi_profit_and_loss.shipping end) as shipping_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 3 then vi_profit_and_loss.grandtotal end) as grandtotal_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 3 then vi_profit_and_loss.ordertax end) as ordertax_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 3 then end) as discount_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 3 then vi_profit_and_loss.shipping end) as shipping_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 4 then vi_profit_and_loss.grandtotal end) as grandtotal_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 4 then vi_profit_and_loss.ordertax end) as ordertax_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 4 then end) as discount_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 4 then vi_profit_and_loss.shipping end) as shipping_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 5 then vi_profit_and_loss.grandtotal end) as grandtotal_expenses, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 1 then vi_profit_and_loss.total_paid end) as total_paid_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 2 then vi_profit_and_loss.total_paid end) as total_paid_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 3 then vi_profit_and_loss.total_paid end) as total_paid_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 4 then vi_profit_and_loss.total_paid end) as total_paid_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 5 then vi_profit_and_loss.total_paid end) as total_paid_expenses, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 1 then vi_profit_and_loss.duetotal end) as duetotal_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 2 then vi_profit_and_loss.duetotal end) as duetotal_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 3 then vi_profit_and_loss.duetotal end) as duetotal_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 4 then vi_profit_and_loss.duetotal end) as duetotal_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 1 then end) as total_count_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 2 then end) as total_count_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 3 then end) as total_count_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 4 then end) as total_count_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profit_and_loss.invoicetype = 5 then vi_profit_and_loss.duetotal end) as duetotal_expenses, as date from vi_profit_and_loss group by, vi_profit_and_loss.warehouse_id; $$ -- -- create view vi_profil_loss_dash -- delimiter $$ create view vi_profil_loss_dash as select as date, d.grandtotal as grandtotal, d.total_paid as total_paid, d.duetotal as duetotal, as total, d.invoicetype as invoicetype, d.ordertax as ordertax, as discount, d.shipping as shipping from (select as date, sum(ifnull( purchase.grandtotal, 0)) as grandtotal, sum(ifnull( purchase.paid, 0)) as total_paid, sum(ifnull( purchase.due, 0)) as duetotal, count( as total, 1 as invoicetype, sum(ifnull( purchase.ordertax, 0)) as ordertax, sum(ifnull(, 0)) as discount, sum(ifnull( purchase.shipping, 0)) as shipping from purchase group by union select as date, sum(ifnull( sale.grandtotal, 0)) as grandtotal, sum(ifnull( sale.paid, 0)) as total_paid, sum(ifnull( sale.due, 0)) as duetotal, count( as total, 2 as invoicetype, sum(ifnull( sale.ordertax, 0)) as ordertax, sum(ifnull(, 0)) as discount, sum(ifnull( sale.shipping, 0)) as shipping from sale group by union select as date, sum(ifnull( return_purchase.grandtotal, 0)) as grandtotal, sum(ifnull( return_purchase.paid, 0)) as total_paid, sum(ifnull( return_purchase.due, 0)) as duetotal, count( as total, 3 as invoicetype, sum(ifnull( return_purchase.ordertax, 0)) as ordertax, sum(ifnull(, 0)) as discount, sum(ifnull( return_purchase.shipping, 0)) as shipping from return_purchase group by union select as date, sum(ifnull( return_sale.grandtotal, 0)) as grandtotal, sum(ifnull( return_sale.paid, 0)) as total_paid, sum(ifnull( return_sale.due, 0)) as duetotal, count( as total, 4 as invoicetype, sum(ifnull( return_sale.ordertax, 0)) as ordertax, sum(ifnull(, 0)) as discount, sum(ifnull( return_sale.shipping, 0)) as shipping from return_sale group by union select as date, sum(ifnull( expenses.amount, 0)) as grandtotal, sum(ifnull( expenses.amount, 0)) as total_paid, sum(ifnull( expenses.amount, 0)) as duetotal, count( as total, 5 as invoicetype, 0 as ordertax, 0 as discount, 0 as shipping from expenses group by d; $$ -- -- create view vi_profil_loss_dash_total -- delimiter $$ create view vi_profil_loss_dash_total as select sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 1 then vi_profil_loss_dash.grandtotal end) as grandtotal_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 1 then vi_profil_loss_dash.ordertax end) as ordertax_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 1 then end) as discount_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 1 then vi_profil_loss_dash.shipping end) as shipping_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 2 then vi_profil_loss_dash.grandtotal end) as grandtotal_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 2 then vi_profil_loss_dash.ordertax end) as ordertax_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 2 then end) as discount_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 2 then vi_profil_loss_dash.shipping end) as shipping_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 3 then vi_profil_loss_dash.grandtotal end) as grandtotal_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 3 then vi_profil_loss_dash.ordertax end) as ordertax_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 3 then end) as discount_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 3 then vi_profil_loss_dash.shipping end) as shipping_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 4 then vi_profil_loss_dash.grandtotal end) as grandtotal_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 4 then vi_profil_loss_dash.ordertax end) as ordertax_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 4 then end) as discount_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 4 then vi_profil_loss_dash.shipping end) as shipping_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 5 then vi_profil_loss_dash.grandtotal end) as grandtotal_expenses, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 1 then vi_profil_loss_dash.total_paid end) as total_paid_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 2 then vi_profil_loss_dash.total_paid end) as total_paid_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 3 then vi_profil_loss_dash.total_paid end) as total_paid_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 4 then vi_profil_loss_dash.total_paid end) as total_paid_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 5 then vi_profil_loss_dash.total_paid end) as total_paid_expenses, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 1 then vi_profil_loss_dash.duetotal end) as duetotal_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 2 then vi_profil_loss_dash.duetotal end) as duetotal_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 3 then vi_profil_loss_dash.duetotal end) as duetotal_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 4 then vi_profil_loss_dash.duetotal end) as duetotal_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 1 then end) as total_count_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 2 then end) as total_count_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 3 then end) as total_count_return_purchase, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 4 then end) as total_count_return_sale, sum(case when vi_profil_loss_dash.invoicetype = 5 then vi_profil_loss_dash.duetotal end) as duetotal_expenses, as date from vi_profil_loss_dash group by; $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_country VALUES (1, 'Afghanistan', 'AFG', 4, 93, 'AFGHANISTAN', 'AF'), (2, 'Albania', 'ALB', 8, 355, 'ALBANIA', 'AL'), (3, 'Algeria', 'DZA', 12, 213, 'ALGERIA', 'DZ'), (4, 'American Samoa', 'ASM', 16, 1684, 'AMERICAN SAMOA', 'AS'), (5, 'Andorra', 'AND', 20, 376, 'ANDORRA', 'AD'), (6, 'Angola', 'AGO', 24, 244, 'ANGOLA', 'AO'), (7, 'Anguilla', 'AIA', 660, 1264, 'ANGUILLA', 'AI'), (8, 'Antarctica', NULL, NULL, 0, 'ANTARCTICA', 'AQ'), (9, 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'ATG', 28, 1268, 'ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA', 'AG'), (10, 'Argentina', 'ARG', 32, 54, 'ARGENTINA', 'AR'), (11, 'Armenia', 'ARM', 51, 374, 'ARMENIA', 'AM'), (12, 'Aruba', 'ABW', 533, 297, 'ARUBA', 'AW'), (13, 'Australia', 'AUS', 36, 61, 'AUSTRALIA', 'AU'), (14, 'Austria', 'AUT', 40, 43, 'AUSTRIA', 'AT'), (15, 'Azerbaijan', 'AZE', 31, 994, 'AZERBAIJAN', 'AZ'), (16, 'Bahamas', 'BHS', 44, 1242, 'BAHAMAS', 'BS'), (17, 'Bahrain', 'BHR', 48, 973, 'BAHRAIN', 'BH'), (18, 'Bangladesh', 'BGD', 50, 880, 'BANGLADESH', 'BD'), (19, 'Barbados', 'BRB', 52, 1246, 'BARBADOS', 'BB'), (20, 'Belarus', 'BLR', 112, 375, 'BELARUS', 'BY'), (21, 'Belgium', 'BEL', 56, 32, 'BELGIUM', 'BE'), (22, 'Belize', 'BLZ', 84, 501, 'BELIZE', 'BZ'), (23, 'Benin', 'BEN', 204, 229, 'BENIN', 'BJ'), (24, 'Bermuda', 'BMU', 60, 1441, 'BERMUDA', 'BM'), (25, 'Bhutan', 'BTN', 64, 975, 'BHUTAN', 'BT'), (26, 'Bolivia', 'BOL', 68, 591, 'BOLIVIA', 'BO'), (27, 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BIH', 70, 387, 'BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA', 'BA'), (28, 'Botswana', 'BWA', 72, 267, 'BOTSWANA', 'BW'), (29, 'Bouvet Island', NULL, NULL, 0, 'BOUVET ISLAND', 'BV'), (30, 'Brazil', 'BRA', 76, 55, 'BRAZIL', 'BR'), (31, 'British Indian Ocean Territory', NULL, NULL, 246, 'BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY', 'IO'), (32, 'Brunei Darussalam', 'BRN', 96, 673, 'BRUNEI DARUSSALAM', 'BN'), (33, 'Bulgaria', 'BGR', 100, 359, 'BULGARIA', 'BG'), (34, 'Burkina Faso', 'BFA', 854, 226, 'BURKINA FASO', 'BF'), (35, 'Burundi', 'BDI', 108, 257, 'BURUNDI', 'BI'), (36, 'Cambodia', 'KHM', 116, 855, 'CAMBODIA', 'KH'), (37, 'Cameroon', 'CMR', 120, 237, 'CAMEROON', 'CM'), (38, 'Canada', 'CAN', 124, 1, 'CANADA', 'CA'), (39, 'Cape Verde', 'CPV', 132, 238, 'CAPE VERDE', 'CV'), (40, 'Cayman Islands', 'CYM', 136, 1345, 'CAYMAN ISLANDS', 'KY'), (41, 'Central African Republic', 'CAF', 140, 236, 'CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC', 'CF'), (42, 'Chad', 'TCD', 148, 235, 'CHAD', 'TD'), (43, 'Chile', 'CHL', 152, 56, 'CHILE', 'CL'), (44, 'China', 'CHN', 156, 86, 'CHINA', 'CN'), (45, 'Christmas Island', NULL, NULL, 61, 'CHRISTMAS ISLAND', 'CX'), (46, 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', NULL, NULL, 672, 'COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS', 'CC'), (47, 'Colombia', 'COL', 170, 57, 'COLOMBIA', 'CO'), (48, 'Comoros', 'COM', 174, 269, 'COMOROS', 'KM'), (49, 'Congo', 'COG', 178, 242, 'CONGO', 'CG'), (50, 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the', 'COD', 180, 242, 'CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE', 'CD'), (51, 'Cook Islands', 'COK', 184, 682, 'COOK ISLANDS', 'CK'), (52, 'Costa Rica', 'CRI', 188, 506, 'COSTA RICA', 'CR'), (53, 'Cote D''Ivoire', 'CIV', 384, 225, 'COTE D''IVOIRE', 'CI'), (54, 'Croatia', 'HRV', 191, 385, 'CROATIA', 'HR'), (55, 'Cuba', 'CUB', 192, 53, 'CUBA', 'CU'), (56, 'Cyprus', 'CYP', 196, 357, 'CYPRUS', 'CY'), (57, 'Czech Republic', 'CZE', 203, 420, 'CZECH REPUBLIC', 'CZ'), (58, 'Denmark', 'DNK', 208, 45, 'DENMARK', 'DK'), (59, 'Djibouti', 'DJI', 262, 253, 'DJIBOUTI', 'DJ'), (60, 'Dominica', 'DMA', 212, 1767, 'DOMINICA', 'DM'), (61, 'Dominican Republic', 'DOM', 214, 1809, 'DOMINICAN REPUBLIC', 'DO'), (62, 'Ecuador', 'ECU', 218, 593, 'ECUADOR', 'EC'), (63, 'Egypt', 'EGY', 818, 20, 'EGYPT', 'EG'), (64, 'El Salvador', 'SLV', 222, 503, 'EL SALVADOR', 'SV'), (65, 'Equatorial Guinea', 'GNQ', 226, 240, 'EQUATORIAL GUINEA', 'GQ'), (66, 'Eritrea', 'ERI', 232, 291, 'ERITREA', 'ER'), (67, 'Estonia', 'EST', 233, 372, 'ESTONIA', 'EE'), (68, 'Ethiopia', 'ETH', 231, 251, 'ETHIOPIA', 'ET'), (69, 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', 'FLK', 238, 500, 'FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)', 'FK'), (70, 'Faroe Islands', 'FRO', 234, 298, 'FAROE ISLANDS', 'FO'), (71, 'Fiji', 'FJI', 242, 679, 'FIJI', 'FJ'), (72, 'Finland', 'FIN', 246, 358, 'FINLAND', 'FI'), (73, 'France', 'FRA', 250, 33, 'FRANCE', 'FR'), (74, 'French Guiana', 'GUF', 254, 594, 'FRENCH GUIANA', 'GF'), (75, 'French Polynesia', 'PYF', 258, 689, 'FRENCH POLYNESIA', 'PF'), (76, 'French Southern Territories', NULL, NULL, 0, 'FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES', 'TF'), (77, 'Gabon', 'GAB', 266, 241, 'GABON', 'GA'), (78, 'Gambia', 'GMB', 270, 220, 'GAMBIA', 'GM'), (79, 'Georgia', 'GEO', 268, 995, 'GEORGIA', 'GE'), (80, 'Germany', 'DEU', 276, 49, 'GERMANY', 'DE'), (81, 'Ghana', 'GHA', 288, 233, 'GHANA', 'GH'), (82, 'Gibraltar', 'GIB', 292, 350, 'GIBRALTAR', 'GI'), (83, 'Greece', 'GRC', 300, 30, 'GREECE', 'GR'), (84, 'Greenland', 'GRL', 304, 299, 'GREENLAND', 'GL'), (85, 'Grenada', 'GRD', 308, 1473, 'GRENADA', 'GD'), (86, 'Guadeloupe', 'GLP', 312, 590, 'GUADELOUPE', 'GP'), (87, 'Guam', 'GUM', 316, 1671, 'GUAM', 'GU'), (88, 'Guatemala', 'GTM', 320, 502, 'GUATEMALA', 'GT'), (89, 'Guinea', 'GIN', 324, 224, 'GUINEA', 'GN'), (90, 'Guinea-Bissau', 'GNB', 624, 245, 'GUINEA-BISSAU', 'GW'), (91, 'Guyana', 'GUY', 328, 592, 'GUYANA', 'GY'), (92, 'Haiti', 'HTI', 332, 509, 'HAITI', 'HT'), (93, 'Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands', NULL, NULL, 0, 'HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS', 'HM'), (94, 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', 'VAT', 336, 39, 'HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)', 'VA'), (95, 'Honduras', 'HND', 340, 504, 'HONDURAS', 'HN'), (96, 'Hong Kong', 'HKG', 344, 852, 'HONG KONG', 'HK'), (97, 'Hungary', 'HUN', 348, 36, 'HUNGARY', 'HU'), (98, 'Iceland', 'ISL', 352, 354, 'ICELAND', 'IS'), (99, 'India', 'IND', 356, 91, 'INDIA', 'IN'), (100, 'Indonesia', 'IDN', 360, 62, 'INDONESIA', 'ID'), (101, 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', 'IRN', 364, 98, 'IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF', 'IR'), (102, 'Iraq', 'IRQ', 368, 964, 'IRAQ', 'IQ'), (103, 'Ireland', 'IRL', 372, 353, 'IRELAND', 'IE'), (104, 'Israel', 'ISR', 376, 972, 'ISRAEL', 'IL'), (105, 'Italy', 'ITA', 380, 39, 'ITALY', 'IT'), (106, 'Jamaica', 'JAM', 388, 1876, 'JAMAICA', 'JM'), (107, 'Japan', 'JPN', 392, 81, 'JAPAN', 'JP'), (108, 'Jordan', 'JOR', 400, 962, 'JORDAN', 'JO'), (109, 'Kazakhstan', 'KAZ', 398, 7, 'KAZAKHSTAN', 'KZ'), (110, 'Kenya', 'KEN', 404, 254, 'KENYA', 'KE'), (111, 'Kiribati', 'KIR', 296, 686, 'KIRIBATI', 'KI'), (112, 'Korea, Democratic People''s Republic of', 'PRK', 408, 850, 'KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE''S REPUBLIC OF', 'KP'), (113, 'Korea, Republic of', 'KOR', 410, 82, 'KOREA, REPUBLIC OF', 'KR'), (114, 'Kuwait', 'KWT', 414, 965, 'KUWAIT', 'KW'), (115, 'Kyrgyzstan', 'KGZ', 417, 996, 'KYRGYZSTAN', 'KG'), (116, 'Lao People''s Democratic Republic', 'LAO', 418, 856, 'LAO PEOPLE''S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC', 'LA'), (117, 'Latvia', 'LVA', 428, 371, 'LATVIA', 'LV'), (118, 'Lebanon', 'LBN', 422, 961, 'LEBANON', 'LB'), (119, 'Lesotho', 'LSO', 426, 266, 'LESOTHO', 'LS'), (120, 'Liberia', 'LBR', 430, 231, 'LIBERIA', 'LR'), (121, 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', 'LBY', 434, 218, 'LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA', 'LY'), (122, 'Liechtenstein', 'LIE', 438, 423, 'LIECHTENSTEIN', 'LI'), (123, 'Lithuania', 'LTU', 440, 370, 'LITHUANIA', 'LT'), (124, 'Luxembourg', 'LUX', 442, 352, 'LUXEMBOURG', 'LU'), (125, 'Macao', 'MAC', 446, 853, 'MACAO', 'MO'), (126, 'Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of', 'MKD', 807, 389, 'MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF', 'MK'), (127, 'Madagascar', 'MDG', 450, 261, 'MADAGASCAR', 'MG'), (128, 'Malawi', 'MWI', 454, 265, 'MALAWI', 'MW'), (129, 'Malaysia', 'MYS', 458, 60, 'MALAYSIA', 'MY'), (130, 'Maldives', 'MDV', 462, 960, 'MALDIVES', 'MV'), (131, 'Mali', 'MLI', 466, 223, 'MALI', 'ML'), (132, 'Malta', 'MLT', 470, 356, 'MALTA', 'MT'), (133, 'Marshall Islands', 'MHL', 584, 692, 'MARSHALL ISLANDS', 'MH'), (134, 'Martinique', 'MTQ', 474, 596, 'MARTINIQUE', 'MQ'), (135, 'Mauritania', 'MRT', 478, 222, 'MAURITANIA', 'MR'), (136, 'Mauritius', 'MUS', 480, 230, 'MAURITIUS', 'MU'), (137, 'Mayotte', NULL, NULL, 269, 'MAYOTTE', 'YT'), (138, 'Mexico', 'MEX', 484, 52, 'MEXICO', 'MX'), (139, 'Micronesia, Federated States of', 'FSM', 583, 691, 'MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF', 'FM'), (140, 'Moldova, Republic of', 'MDA', 498, 373, 'MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF', 'MD'), (141, 'Monaco', 'MCO', 492, 377, 'MONACO', 'MC'), (142, 'Mongolia', 'MNG', 496, 976, 'MONGOLIA', 'MN'), (143, 'Montserrat', 'MSR', 500, 1664, 'MONTSERRAT', 'MS'), (144, 'Morocco', 'MAR', 504, 212, 'MOROCCO', 'MA'), (145, 'Mozambique', 'MOZ', 508, 258, 'MOZAMBIQUE', 'MZ'), (146, 'Myanmar', 'MMR', 104, 95, 'MYANMAR', 'MM'), (147, 'Namibia', 'NAM', 516, 264, 'NAMIBIA', 'NA'), (148, 'Nauru', 'NRU', 520, 674, 'NAURU', 'NR'), (149, 'Nepal', 'NPL', 524, 977, 'NEPAL', 'NP'), (150, 'Netherlands', 'NLD', 528, 31, 'NETHERLANDS', 'NL'), (151, 'Netherlands Antilles', 'ANT', 530, 599, 'NETHERLANDS ANTILLES', 'AN'), (152, 'New Caledonia', 'NCL', 540, 687, 'NEW CALEDONIA', 'NC'), (153, 'New Zealand', 'NZL', 554, 64, 'NEW ZEALAND', 'NZ'), (154, 'Nicaragua', 'NIC', 558, 505, 'NICARAGUA', 'NI'), (155, 'Niger', 'NER', 562, 227, 'NIGER', 'NE'), (156, 'Nigeria', 'NGA', 566, 234, 'NIGERIA', 'NG'), (157, 'Niue', 'NIU', 570, 683, 'NIUE', 'NU'), (158, 'Norfolk Island', 'NFK', 574, 672, 'NORFOLK ISLAND', 'NF'), (159, 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'MNP', 580, 1670, 'NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS', 'MP'), (160, 'Norway', 'NOR', 578, 47, 'NORWAY', 'NO'), (161, 'Oman', 'OMN', 512, 968, 'OMAN', 'OM'), (162, 'Pakistan', 'PAK', 586, 92, 'PAKISTAN', 'PK'), (163, 'Palau', 'PLW', 585, 680, 'PALAU', 'PW'), (164, 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied', NULL, NULL, 970, 'PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED', 'PS'), (165, 'Panama', 'PAN', 591, 507, 'PANAMA', 'PA'), (166, 'Papua New Guinea', 'PNG', 598, 675, 'PAPUA NEW GUINEA', 'PG'), (167, 'Paraguay', 'PRY', 600, 595, 'PARAGUAY', 'PY'), (168, 'Peru', 'PER', 604, 51, 'PERU', 'PE'), (169, 'Philippines', 'PHL', 608, 63, 'PHILIPPINES', 'PH'), (170, 'Pitcairn', 'PCN', 612, 0, 'PITCAIRN', 'PN'), (171, 'Poland', 'POL', 616, 48, 'POLAND', 'PL'), (172, 'Portugal', 'PRT', 620, 351, 'PORTUGAL', 'PT'), (173, 'Puerto Rico', 'PRI', 630, 1787, 'PUERTO RICO', 'PR'), (174, 'Qatar', 'QAT', 634, 974, 'QATAR', 'QA'), (175, 'Reunion', 'REU', 638, 262, 'REUNION', 'RE'), (176, 'Romania', 'ROM', 642, 40, 'ROMANIA', 'RO'), (177, 'Russian Federation', 'RUS', 643, 70, 'RUSSIAN FEDERATION', 'RU'), (178, 'Rwanda', 'RWA', 646, 250, 'RWANDA', 'RW'), (179, 'Saint Helena', 'SHN', 654, 290, 'SAINT HELENA', 'SH'), (180, 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'KNA', 659, 1869, 'SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS', 'KN'), (181, 'Saint Lucia', 'LCA', 662, 1758, 'SAINT LUCIA', 'LC'), (182, 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'SPM', 666, 508, 'SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON', 'PM'), (183, 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'VCT', 670, 1784, 'SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES', 'VC'), (184, 'Samoa', 'WSM', 882, 684, 'SAMOA', 'WS'), (185, 'San Marino', 'SMR', 674, 378, 'SAN MARINO', 'SM'), (186, 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'STP', 678, 239, 'SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE', 'ST'), (187, 'Saudi Arabia', 'SAU', 682, 966, 'SAUDI ARABIA', 'SA'), (188, 'Senegal', 'SEN', 686, 221, 'SENEGAL', 'SN'), (189, 'Serbia and Montenegro', NULL, NULL, 381, 'SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO', 'CS'), (190, 'Seychelles', 'SYC', 690, 248, 'SEYCHELLES', 'SC'), (191, 'Sierra Leone', 'SLE', 694, 232, 'SIERRA LEONE', 'SL'), (192, 'Singapore', 'SGP', 702, 65, 'SINGAPORE', 'SG'), (193, 'Slovakia', 'SVK', 703, 421, 'SLOVAKIA', 'SK'), (194, 'Slovenia', 'SVN', 705, 386, 'SLOVENIA', 'SI'), (195, 'Solomon Islands', 'SLB', 90, 677, 'SOLOMON ISLANDS', 'SB'), (196, 'Somalia', 'SOM', 706, 252, 'SOMALIA', 'SO'), (197, 'South Africa', 'ZAF', 710, 27, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'ZA'), (198, 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', NULL, NULL, 0, 'SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS', 'GS'), (199, 'Spain', 'ESP', 724, 34, 'SPAIN', 'ES'), (200, 'Sri Lanka', 'LKA', 144, 94, 'SRI LANKA', 'LK'), (201, 'Sudan', 'SDN', 736, 249, 'SUDAN', 'SD'), (202, 'Suriname', 'SUR', 740, 597, 'SURINAME', 'SR'), (203, 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', 'SJM', 744, 47, 'SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN', 'SJ'), (204, 'Swaziland', 'SWZ', 748, 268, 'SWAZILAND', 'SZ'), (205, 'Sweden', 'SWE', 752, 46, 'SWEDEN', 'SE'), (206, 'Switzerland', 'CHE', 756, 41, 'SWITZERLAND', 'CH'), (207, 'Syrian Arab Republic', 'SYR', 760, 963, 'SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC', 'SY'), (208, 'Taiwan, Province of China', 'TWN', 158, 886, 'TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA', 'TW'), (209, 'Tajikistan', 'TJK', 762, 992, 'TAJIKISTAN', 'TJ'), (210, 'Tanzania, United Republic of', 'TZA', 834, 255, 'TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF', 'TZ'), (211, 'Thailand', 'THA', 764, 66, 'THAILAND', 'TH'), (212, 'Timor-Leste', NULL, NULL, 670, 'TIMOR-LESTE', 'TL'), (213, 'Togo', 'TGO', 768, 228, 'TOGO', 'TG'), (214, 'Tokelau', 'TKL', 772, 690, 'TOKELAU', 'TK'), (215, 'Tonga', 'TON', 776, 676, 'TONGA', 'TO'), (216, 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'TTO', 780, 1868, 'TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO', 'TT'), (217, 'Tunisia', 'TUN', 788, 216, 'TUNISIA', 'TN'), (218, 'Turkey', 'TUR', 792, 90, 'TURKEY', 'TR'), (219, 'Turkmenistan', 'TKM', 795, 7370, 'TURKMENISTAN', 'TM'), (220, 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'TCA', 796, 1649, 'TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS', 'TC'), (221, 'Tuvalu', 'TUV', 798, 688, 'TUVALU', 'TV'), (222, 'Uganda', 'UGA', 800, 256, 'UGANDA', 'UG'), (223, 'Ukraine', 'UKR', 804, 380, 'UKRAINE', 'UA'), (224, 'United Arab Emirates', 'ARE', 784, 971, 'UNITED ARAB EMIRATES', 'AE'), (225, 'United Kingdom', 'GBR', 826, 44, 'UNITED KINGDOM', 'GB'), (226, 'United States', 'USA', 840, 1, 'UNITED STATES', 'US'), (227, 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', NULL, NULL, 1, 'UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS', 'UM'), (228, 'Uruguay', 'URY', 858, 598, 'URUGUAY', 'UY'), (229, 'Uzbekistan', 'UZB', 860, 998, 'UZBEKISTAN', 'UZ'), (230, 'Vanuatu', 'VUT', 548, 678, 'VANUATU', 'VU'), (231, 'Venezuela', 'VEN', 862, 58, 'VENEZUELA', 'VE'), (232, 'Viet Nam', 'VNM', 704, 84, 'VIET NAM', 'VN'), (233, 'Virgin Islands, British', 'VGB', 92, 1284, 'VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH', 'VG'), (234, 'Virgin Islands, U.s.', 'VIR', 850, 1340, 'VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.', 'VI'), (235, 'Wallis and Futuna', 'WLF', 876, 681, 'WALLIS AND FUTUNA', 'WF'), (236, 'Western Sahara', 'ESH', 732, 212, 'WESTERN SAHARA', 'EH'), (237, 'Yemen', 'YEM', 887, 967, 'YEMEN', 'YE'), (238, 'Zambia', 'ZMB', 894, 260, 'ZAMBIA', 'ZM'), (239, 'Zimbabwe', 'ZWE', 716, 263, 'ZIMBABWE', 'ZW'); $$ -- -- Dumping data for table lk_payment_status -- delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_payment_status VALUES (1, 'مدفوع كامل', 'Arabic'), (1, 'Paid', 'English'), (1, 'Payé', 'French'), (1, 'Pagado', 'Spanish'), (2, 'غير مدفوع', 'Arabic'), (2, 'UnPaid', 'English'), (2, 'Non payé', 'French'), (2, 'No pagado', 'Spanish'), (3, 'مدفوع جزئي', 'Arabic'), (3, 'Partial Paid', 'English'), (3, 'Partiellement Payé', 'French'), (3, 'Pago Parcial', 'Spanish'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_invoice_status VALUES (1, 'تم الاستلام', 'Arabic'), (1, 'Received', 'English'), (1, 'A reçu', 'French'), (1, 'Recibida', 'Spanish'), (2, 'قيد الانتظار', 'Arabic'), (2, 'Pending', 'English'), (2, 'En instance', 'French'), (2, 'Pendiente', 'Spanish'), (3, 'تم الطلب', 'Arabic'), (3, 'Ordered', 'English'), (3, 'Ordonné', 'French'), (3, 'Ordenado', 'Spanish'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO supplier VALUES (19, 'John Doe Company', '+9xxxxxxxx', 73, '', 'Paris', ''); $$ -- -- Dumping data for table lk_warehouse -- delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_warehouse VALUES (9, 'Warehouse 1 ', 224, 'M@M.COM', '+971XXXXXXXXX', 'Dubai', '123366', 1), (10, 'Warehouse 2', 187, '', '009660000000', 'Riyadh', '', 1); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_products_sell_status VALUES (1, 'All'), (2, 'Show In Purchuse'), (3, 'Show In Sale'); $$ -- -- Dumping data for table lk_brand -- delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_brand VALUES (5, 'Adidas', 'Adidas is more than sportswear and workout clothes', '[{"name":"files\\/iptHUHoJ_400x400 (1)_h7zgk2na.jpg","usrName":"iptHUHoJ_400x400 (1).jpg","size":9999,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/thiptHUHoJ_400x400 (1)_tmdha1xy.jpg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":2083,"searchStr":"iptHUHoJ_400x400 (1).jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]'), (6, 'Nike', '', '[{"name":"files\\/download (1)_tbwyrm31.png","usrName":"download (1).png","size":2864,"type":"image\\/png","thumbnail":"files\\/thdownload (1)_nbt3hzri.png","thumbnail_type":"image\\/png","thumbnail_size":3445,"searchStr":"download (1).png,!:sStrEnd"}]'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_papersize VALUES (1, '40 per sheet(A4)(1.799*1.003)'), (2, '30 per sheet(2.625*1)'), (3, '24 per sheet(A4)(2.48*1.334)'), (4, '20 per sheet(4*1)'), (5, '18 per sheet(A4)(2.5*1.835)'), (6, '14 per sheet(4*1.33)'), (7, '12 per sheet(A4)(2.5*2.834)'), (8, '10 per sheet(4*2)'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_currency VALUES (1, '', 'Abkhazian apsar', ''), (3, 'AFN', 'Afghan afghani', '؋'), (5, 'ALL', 'Albanian lek', 'L'), (6, '', 'Alderney pound', '£'), (11, 'AOA', 'Angolan kwanza', 'Kz'), (14, 'ARS', 'Argentine peso', '$'), (16, 'AWG', 'Aruban florin', 'ƒ'), (17, '', 'Ascension pound', '£'), (21, 'AZN', 'Azerbaijani manat', ''), (22, 'BSD', 'Bahamian dollar', '$'), (23, 'BHD', 'Bahraini dinar', '.د.ب'), (24, 'BDT', 'Bangladeshi taka', '৳'), (25, 'BBD', 'Barbadian dollar', '$'), (26, 'BYR', 'Belarusian ruble', 'Br'), (28, 'BZD', 'Belize dollar', '$'), (30, 'BMD', 'Bermudian dollar', '$'), (31, 'BTN', 'Bhutanese ngultrum', 'Nu.'), (33, 'BOB', 'Bolivian boliviano', 'Bs.'), (35, 'BAM', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark', 'KM'), (37, 'BRL', 'Brazilian real', 'R$'), (39, '', 'British Virgin Islands dollar', '$'), (43, 'BGN', 'Bulgarian lev', 'лв'), (45, 'BIF', 'Burundian franc', 'Fr'), (46, 'KHR', 'Cambodian riel', '៛'), (49, 'CAD', 'Canadian dollar', '$'), (50, 'CVE', 'Cape Verdean escudo', 'Esc'), (51, 'KYD', 'Cayman Islands dollar', '$'), (54, 'CLP', 'Chilean peso', '$'), (55, 'CNY', 'Chinese yuan', '¥'), (57, 'COP', 'Colombian peso', '$'), (58, 'KMF', 'Comorian franc', 'Fr'), (59, 'CDF', 'Congolese franc', 'Fr'), (62, '', 'Cook Islands dollar', '$'), (63, 'CRC', 'Costa Rican colón', '₡'), (65, 'HRK', 'Croatian kuna', 'kn'), (66, 'CUC', 'Cuban convertible peso', '$'), (67, 'CUP', 'Cuban peso', '$'), (70, 'CZK', 'Czech koruna', 'Kč'), (72, 'DJF', 'Djiboutian franc', 'Fr'), (74, 'DOP', 'Dominican peso', '$'), (78, '', '', ''), (79, 'EGP', 'Egyptian pound', ' ج.م'), (82, 'ERN', 'Eritrean nakfa', 'Nfk'), (84, 'ETB', 'Ethiopian birr', 'Br'), (85, 'FKP', 'Falkland Islands pound', '£'), (86, 'DKK', 'Danish krone', 'kr'), (87, '', 'Faroese króna', 'kr'), (88, 'FJD', 'Fijian dollar', '$'), (92, 'XAF', 'Central African CFA franc', 'Fr'), (93, 'GMD', 'Gambian dalasi', 'D'), (94, 'GEL', 'Georgian lari', 'ლ'), (96, 'GHS', 'Ghana cedi', '₵'), (97, 'GIP', 'Gibraltar pound', '£'), (100, 'GTQ', 'Guatemalan quetzal', 'Q'), (102, '', 'Guernsey pound', '£'), (103, 'GNF', 'Guinean franc', 'Fr'), (105, 'GYD', 'Guyanese dollar', '$'), (106, 'HTG', 'Haitian gourde', 'G'), (107, 'HNL', 'Honduran lempira', 'L'), (108, 'HKD', 'Hong Kong dollar', '$'), (109, 'HUF', 'Hungarian forint', 'Ft'), (110, 'ISK', 'Icelandic króna', 'kr'), (112, 'IDR', 'Indonesian rupiah', 'Rp'), (113, 'IRR', 'Iranian rial', '﷼'), (114, 'IQD', 'Iraqi dinar', 'ع.د'), (117, '', 'Manx pound', '£'), (120, 'JMD', 'Jamaican dollar', '$'), (121, 'JPY', 'Japanese yen', '¥'), (123, '', 'Jersey pound', '£'), (125, 'KZT', 'Kazakhstani tenge', ''), (126, 'KES', 'Kenyan shilling', 'Sh'), (128, '', 'Kiribati dollar', '$'), (129, 'KPW', 'North Korean won', '₩'), (130, 'KRW', 'South Korean won', '₩'), (132, 'KWD', 'Kuwaiti dinar', 'د.ك'), (133, 'KGS', 'Kyrgyzstani som', 'лв'), (134, 'LAK', 'Lao kip', '₭'), (136, 'LBP', 'Lebanese pound', 'ل.ل'), (137, 'LSL', 'Lesotho loti', 'L'), (139, 'LRD', 'Liberian dollar', '$'), (140, 'LYD', 'Libyan dinar', 'ل.د'), (143, ' code', 'Currency Name', 'Symbol'), (144, 'MOP', 'Macanese pataca', 'P'), (145, 'MKD', 'Macedonian denar', 'ден'), (146, 'MGA', 'Malagasy ariary', 'Ar'), (147, 'MWK', 'Malawian kwacha', 'MK'), (148, 'MYR', 'Malaysian ringgit', 'RM'), (149, 'MVR', 'Maldivian rufiyaa', '.ރ'), (154, 'MUR', 'Mauritian rupee', '₨'), (155, 'MXN', 'Mexican peso', '$'), (156, 'MXN', 'Micronesian dollar', '$'), (158, 'MDL', 'Moldovan leu', 'L'), (160, 'MNT', 'Mongolian tögrög', '₮'), (164, 'MZN', 'Mozambican metical', 'MT'), (165, 'MMK', 'Burmese kyat', 'Ks'), (166, 'AMD', 'Armenian dram', ''), (167, '', 'Nagorno-Karabakh dram', 'դր.'), (168, 'NAD', 'Namibian dollar', '$'), (171, '', 'Nauruan dollar', '$'), (172, 'NPR', 'Nepalese rupee', '₨'), (176, 'NIO', 'Nicaraguan córdoba', 'C$'), (178, 'NGN', 'Nigerian naira', '₦'), (180, '', 'Niue dollar', '$'), (182, 'NOK', 'Norwegian krone', 'kr'), (183, 'OMR', 'Omani rial', 'ر.ع.'), (184, 'PKR', 'Pakistani rupee', '₨'), (185, '', 'Palauan dollar', '$'), (187, 'ILS', 'Israeli new shekel', '₪'), (188, 'JOD', 'Jordanian dinar', 'د.ا'), (189, 'PAB', 'Panamanian balboa', 'B/.'), (191, 'PGK', 'Papua New Guinean kina', 'K'), (192, 'PYG', 'Paraguayan guaraní', '₲'), (193, 'PEN', 'Peruvian nuevo sol', 'S/.'), (194, 'PHP', 'Philippine peso', '₱'), (195, 'NZD', 'New Zealand dollar', '$'), (196, 'PID', 'Pitcairn Islands dollar', '$'), (197, 'PLN', 'Polish złoty', 'zł'), (199, 'QAR', 'Qatari riyal', 'ر.ق'), (200, 'RON', 'Romanian leu', 'lei'), (202, 'RWF', 'Rwandan franc', 'Fr'), (204, 'DZD', 'Algerian dinar', 'د.ج'), (205, 'MRO', 'Mauritanian ouguiya', 'UM'), (206, 'MAD', 'Moroccan dirham', 'د. م.'), (207, 'PTA', 'Sahrawi peseta', 'Ptas'), (211, 'XCD', 'East Caribbean dollar', '$'), (212, 'WST', 'Samoan tālā', 'T'), (214, 'STD', 'São Tomé and Príncipe dobra', 'Db'), (215, 'SAR', 'Saudi riyal', 'ر.س'), (217, 'RSD', 'Serbian dinar', 'дин. or din.'), (218, 'SCR', 'Seychellois rupee', '₨'), (219, 'SLL', 'Sierra Leonean leone', 'Le'), (220, 'BND', 'Brunei dollar', '$'), (221, 'SGD', 'Singapore dollar', '$'), (223, 'ANG', 'Netherlands Antillean guilder', 'ƒ'), (226, 'SBD', 'Solomon Islands dollar', '$'), (227, 'SOS', 'Somali shilling', 'Sh'), (228, '', 'Somaliland shilling', 'Sh'), (231, '', 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands pound', '£'), (234, 'SSP', 'South Sudanese pound', '£'), (235, 'LKR', 'Sri Lankan rupee', 'Rs'), (236, 'SDG', 'Sudanese pound', 'ج.س.'), (237, 'SRD', 'Surinamese dollar', '$'), (238, 'SZL', 'Swazi lilangeni', 'L'), (239, 'SEK', 'Swedish krona', 'kr'), (240, 'CHF', 'Swiss franc', 'Fr'), (241, 'SYP', 'Syrian pound', '£ or ل.س'), (242, 'TWD', 'New Taiwan dollar', '$'), (243, 'TJS', 'Tajikistani somoni', 'ЅМ'), (244, 'TZS', 'Tanzanian shilling', 'Sh'), (245, 'THB', 'Thai baht', '฿'), (246, 'XOF', 'West African CFA franc', 'Fr'), (247, 'TOP', 'Tongan paʻanga', 'T$'), (248, '', 'Transnistrian ruble', 'р.'), (249, 'TTD', 'Trinidad and Tobago dollar', '$'), (250, 'SHP', 'Saint Helena pound', '£'), (251, '', 'Tristan da Cunha pound', '£'), (252, 'TND', 'Tunisian dinar', 'د.ت'), (253, 'TRY', 'Turkish lira', ''), (254, 'TMT', 'Turkmenistan manat', 'm'), (256, 'AUD', 'Australian dollar', '$'), (257, '', 'Tuvaluan dollar', '$'), (258, 'UGX', 'Ugandan shilling', 'Sh'), (259, 'UAH', 'Ukrainian hryvnia', '₴'), (260, 'RUB', 'Russian ruble', ''), (261, 'AED', 'United Arab Emirates dirham', 'د.إ'), (264, 'UYU', 'Uruguayan peso', '$'), (265, 'UZS', 'Uzbekistani som', ''), (266, 'VUV', 'Vanuatu vatu', 'Vt'), (268, 'VEF', 'Venezuelan bolívar', 'Bs F'), (269, 'VND', 'Vietnamese đồng', '₫'), (270, 'XPF', 'CFP franc', 'Fr'), (271, 'YER', 'Yemeni rial', '﷼'), (272, 'ZMW', 'Zambian kwacha', 'ZK'), (273, 'BWP', 'Botswana pula', 'P'), (274, 'GBP', 'British pound', '£'), (275, 'EUR', 'Euro', '€'), (276, 'INR', 'Indian rupee', '₹'), (277, 'ZAR', 'South African rand', 'R'), (278, 'USD', 'United States dollar', '$'), (279, '', '(Zimbabwean Bond)', ''); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO customer VALUES (7, 'POS Default Customer', '+96700000000', 224, '', 'Dubai', ''); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_payment_type VALUES (1, 'Cach'), (2, 'Credit Card'), (3, 'Cheque'), (4, 'Bank Transfer'), (5, 'Wistern Union'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_tax_type VALUES (1, 'Exclusive'), (2, 'Inclusive'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_discounttype VALUES (1, 'Percent %'), (2, 'Fixed'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO product VALUES (66, 'Box of Tea (500 GR)', '10001', 36, NULL, 7, 2.000, 2.200, 6, 11, 11, 200, NULL, 1, '', '', 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9, 9, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '', '[{"name":"files\\/Peanut-butter_64nyuvvu.jpg","usrName":"Peanut-butter.jpg","size":22799,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/thPeanut-butter_15gyv6b8.jpg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":15653,"searchStr":"Peanut-butter.jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]', 1, 1, NULL, NULL), (72, 'Pack of Oatmeal', '10007', 34, NULL, 7, 5.000, 7.000, 6, 9, 9, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '', '[{"name":"files\\/Oatmeal_hd23b0ik.jpg","usrName":"Oatmeal.jpg","size":38974,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/thOatmeal_5lx9blee.jpg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":26627,"searchStr":"Oatmeal.jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]', 1, 1, NULL, NULL), (73, 'Pack of Rice Cakes', '10008', 34, NULL, 7, 15.000, 18.000, 6, 9, 9, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '', '[{"name":"files\\/pack-of-rice-cakes_61415ox0.jpg","usrName":"pack-of-rice-cakes.jpg","size":22121,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/thpack-of-rice-cakes_z6cyglvk.jpg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":13608,"searchStr":"pack-of-rice-cakes.jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]', 1, 1, 15.000, NULL), (74, '1kg of Greek yogurt', '10009', 41, NULL, 7, 1.300, 2.500, 5, 8, 8, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '', '[{"name":"files\\/Greek-yogurt_tluxlnfd.jpg","usrName":"Greek-yogurt.jpg","size":13819,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/thGreek-yogurt_ap95etj4.jpg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":8587,"searchStr":"Greek-yogurt.jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]', 1, 1, 1.300, NULL), (75, 'Pack of 30 Eggs', '10010', 40, NULL, 7, 3.000, 2.000, 6, 9, 9, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '', 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NULL), (78, 'Red Apple', '10013', 37, NULL, 7, 0.900, 1.300, 5, 5, 5, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '', '[{"name":"files\\/CONC-REDAPPLE-2_49vk6iga.jpg","usrName":"CONC-REDAPPLE-2.jpg","size":17789,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/thCONC-REDAPPLE-2_8u6ti30r.jpg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":11551,"searchStr":"CONC-REDAPPLE-2.jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]', 1, 1, NULL, NULL), (79, '1 Bag of Mandarins', '10014', 37, NULL, 7, 2.000, 2.800, 6, 14, 14, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '', '[{"name":"files\\/1-bag-of-mandarins_xsv6m662.jpg","usrName":"1-bag-of-mandarins.jpg","size":33707,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/th1-bag-of-mandarins_tzqlt0gc.jpg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":14496,"searchStr":"1-bag-of-mandarins.jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]', 1, 1, NULL, NULL), (80, '1 Packs of Frozen Vegetable', '10015', 38, NULL, 7, 2.300, 2.850, 6, 14, 14, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '', '[{"name":"files\\/packs-of-frozen-vegetable_hvi9stvz.jpg","usrName":"packs-of-frozen-vegetable.jpg","size":42973,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/thpacks-of-frozen-vegetable_oz0nf6wu.jpg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":27956,"searchStr":"packs-of-frozen-vegetable.jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]', 1, 1, NULL, NULL), (81, '1 Tube of Toothpaste', '10016', 39, NULL, 7, 5.000, 5.990, 6, 16, 16, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '', '[{"name":"files\\/20150425064948Toothpaste_Tubes_cbg77h7z.jpg","usrName":"20150425064948Toothpaste_Tubes.jpg","size":22395,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/th20150425064948Toothpaste_Tubes_2va6zpkp.jpg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":6327,"searchStr":"20150425064948Toothpaste_Tubes.jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]', 1, 1, 5.000, NULL), (82, 'Smile Tissues 150', '10017', 39, NULL, 7, 0.800, 1.000, 6, 11, 11, NULL, NULL, 1, '', '', 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1, 3, NULL, 1), (87, 'Water Filter 400 Gallon', '1001012', 36, NULL, NULL, 0.000, 2000.000, 6, 7, 7, NULL, NULL, 2, '', '', '[{"name":"files\\/IMG_5154_7g8saane.jpeg","usrName":"IMG_5154.jpeg","size":4122237,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/thIMG_5154_jjkqlkag.jpeg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":15617,"searchStr":"IMG_5154.jpeg,!:sStrEnd"}]', 1, 3, NULL, 1), (88, 'Package Meat With Milk', '100014', 38, 5, 7, 7.000, 12.200, 5, 5, 5, 12, 5.000, 2, '', '', '[{"name":"files\\/5_jktpden1.jpg","usrName":"5.jpg","size":3624873,"type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail":"files\\/th5_17dnazsk.jpg","thumbnail_type":"image\\/jpeg","thumbnail_size":9678,"searchStr":"5.jpg,!:sStrEnd"}]', 1, 3, NULL, 1); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_baseunit VALUES (4, 'Length'), (5, 'Mass'), (6, 'Amount'), (7, 'Volume'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO system_settings VALUES (2, 'Sticky Tec Company', 278, '', '[{"name":"files\\/STICKY-LOGO-DARK-LETTERS_8du6p5an.png","usrName":"STICKY-LOGO-DARK-LETTERS.png","size":6396,"type":"image\\/png","thumbnail":"files\\/thSTICKY-LOGO-DARK-LETTERS_1o4i6k22.png","thumbnail_type":"image\\/png","thumbnail_size":6396,"searchStr":"STICKY-LOGO-DARK-LETTERS.png,!:sStrEnd"}]', 'This is Footer', 9, 7, '', 'United Arab Emirate - Dubai', '', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '', '', '1', '', '587', '', '', 'tls', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', '0096279533486', NULL, '00967000000000', NULL, 'No', 'localhost', 3306, 'root', '', 'C:\\\\xampp\\\\mysql\\\\bin\\\\', 1, '', 'stickyshopdb'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO stickyshop_users VALUES (1, 'admin', '123', '', 'John Doe', NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0099999999999', '[{"name":"files\\/th-3327020480_odq07pil.png","usrName":"th-3327020480.png","size":14576,"type":"image\\/png","searchStr":"th-3327020480.png,!:sStrEnd"}]'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO stickyshop_ugrights VALUES ('adjustement', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('backup', -1, 'SP', ''), ('composite_product', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('customer', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('customer', 5, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('expenses', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('expenses_category', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('expensive', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('expensive_category', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_barcode_symbology', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_baseunit', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_brand', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_brand', 6, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_category', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_category', 6, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_country', -1, 'ADESPIM', NULL), ('lk_currency', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_products_sell_status', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_product_variant', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_product_variant', 6, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_services', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('lk_template', -1, 'E', ''), ('lk_unit', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('lk_warehouse', -1, 'ADESPIM', NULL), ('MainDashboard', -1, 'S', ''), ('MainDashboard', 5, 'S', ''), ('MainDashboard', 6, 'S', ''), ('POS', -1, 'S', ''), ('POS', 5, 'S', ''), ('POS', 6, 'S', ''), ('Price And Cost', -1, 'S', ''), ('Price And Cost', 5, 'S', ''), ('Price And Cost', 6, 'S', ''), ('Price And Cost Chart', -1, 'S', ''), ('product', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('product', 6, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('productavgcost', -1, 'SP', ''), ('productavgcost', 6, 'S', ''), ('productimage', -1, 'ADESP', ''), ('product_manufacturing', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('product_warehouse', -1, 'AESP', ''), ('product_warehouse', 6, 'AESP', ''), ('product_warehouse Chart', -1, 'S', ''), ('product_warehouse Chart', 5, 'S', ''), ('product_warehouse Chart', 6, 'S', ''), ('profile', -1, 'ES', ''), ('profile', 5, 'ES', ''), ('profile', 6, 'ES', ''), ('profit_and_loss_Report', -1, 'SP', ''), ('purchase', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('purchase', 6, 'AEDSP', ''), ('purchase_det', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('purchase_det', 6, 'AEDSP', ''), ('purchase_payment', -1, 'ADESPI', ''), ('purchase_payment', 6, 'ADESP', ''), ('quotation', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('quotation_det', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('quotation_det', 5, 'AEDSP', ''), ('quotation_payment', -1, 'ADESP', ''), ('quotation_payment', 5, 'ADESP', ''), ('return_purchase', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('return_purchase', 6, 'AEDSP', ''), ('return_purchase_det', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('return_purchase_det', 6, 'AEDSP', ''), ('return_purchase_payment', -1, 'ADESP', ''), ('return_purchase_payment', 6, 'ADESP', ''), ('return_sale', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('return_sale', 5, 'AEDSP', ''), ('return_sale_det', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('return_sale_det', 5, 'AEDSP', ''), ('return_sale_payment', -1, 'ADESP', ''), ('sale', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('sale', 5, 'AEDSP', ''), ('sale1', -1, 'S', ''), ('sale1', 5, 'S', ''), ('sales_payment', -1, 'AESP', ''), ('sales_payment', 5, 'AESP', ''), ('sale_det', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('sale_det', 5, 'AEDSP', ''), ('sale_payment', -1, 'ADSP', ''), ('sale_payment', 5, 'ADSP', ''), ('sale_service_det', -1, 'AEDS', ''), ('stickyshop_users', -1, 'ADESPIM', NULL), ('supplier', -1, 'AEDSPI', ''), ('system_settings', -1, 'E', ''), ('transfer', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('transfer', 6, 'AEDSP', ''), ('transfer_det', -1, 'AEDSP', ''), ('transfer_det', 5, 'AEDSP', ''), ('transfer_det', 6, 'AEDSP', ''), ('vi_customer', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_customer', 5, 'SP', ''), ('vi_pos_sale', -1, 'ASPI', ''), ('vi_pos_sale', 5, 'ASP', ''), ('vi_pos_sale', 6, 'ASP', ''), ('vi_pos_sale_det', -1, 'AESPI', ''), ('vi_pos_sale_det', 5, 'ASP', ''), ('vi_pos_sale_det', 6, 'ASP', ''), ('vi_pos_sale_payment', -1, 'ASP', ''), ('vi_product_total', -1, 'SPI', ''), ('vi_product_total Report', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_product_warehouse', -1, 'S', ''), ('vi_product_warehouse', 5, 'S', ''), ('vi_product_warehouse', 6, 'S', ''), ('vi_profil_loss_dash_total_chart', -1, 'S', ''), ('vi_profil_loss_dash_total_chart', 5, 'S', ''), ('vi_profil_loss_dash_total_chart', 6, 'S', ''), ('vi_profit_and_loss_total', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_purchase', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_purchase', 6, 'SP', ''), ('vi_purchase_payment', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_purchase_payment', 6, 'SP', ''), ('vi_purchase_return', -1, 'SPI', ''), ('vi_purchase_return', 6, 'SP', ''), ('vi_purchase_return_payment', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_purchase_return_payment', 6, 'SP', ''), ('vi_quantityalerts', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_quantityalerts', 5, 'SP', ''), ('vi_quantityalerts', 6, 'SP', ''), ('vi_return_sale_payment', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_return_sale_payment', 5, 'SP', ''), ('vi_sale', -1, 'SPI', ''), ('vi_sale', 5, 'SP', ''), ('vi_sale_payment', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_sale_payment', 5, 'SP', ''), ('vi_sale_return', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_sale_return', 5, 'SP', ''), ('vi_supplier', -1, 'SP', ''), ('vi_supplier', 6, 'SP', ''), ('vi_top_customer Chart', -1, 'S', ''), ('vi_top_customer Chart', 5, 'S', ''), ('vi_top_customer Chart', 6, 'S', ''), ('vi_top_sell_product_month', -1, 'SPI', ''), ('vi_top_sell_product_month', 5, 'S', ''), ('vi_top_sell_product_month', 6, 'S', ''), ('vi_top_sell_product_year', -1, 'S', ''), ('vi_top_sell_product_year', 5, 'S', ''), ('vi_top_sell_product_year', 6, 'S', ''), ('vi_total_paid_per_week', -1, 'S', ''), ('vi_total_paid_per_week', 5, 'S', ''), ('vi_total_paid_per_week', 6, 'S', ''), ('vi_total_paid_rep', -1, 'S', ''), ('vi_total_paid_rep', 5, 'S', ''), ('vi_total_paid_rep', 6, 'S', ''), ('WarehouseReport', -1, 'S', ''), ('WarehouseReport', 6, 'S', ''); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO stickyshop_ugmembers VALUES ('admin', -1); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO stickyshop_uggroups VALUES (5, 'Sales'), (6, 'Purchases'); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO lk_unit VALUES (5, 'Kilogram', 'KG', 5), (6, 'Meter', 'M', 4), (7, 'Mole', 'Mol', 6), (8, 'Gram', 'GR', 5), (9, 'Package', 'Pack', 6), (10, 'Liter', 'Liter', 7), (11, 'Box', 'Box', 6), (12, 'Carton', 'Carton', 6), (13, 'Can', 'can', 6), (14, 'Bag', 'Bag', 6), (15, 'Bottle', 'Bottle', 6), (16, 'Tube', 'Tube', 6); $$ delimiter $$ INSERT INTO `lk_template` (`id`, `purchase_email`, `purchase_sms`, `sale_email`, `sale_sms`, `return_purchase_email`, `return_purchase_sms`, `return_sale_email`, `return_sale_sms`, `quatation_email`, `quatation_sms`) VALUES (1, '
\r\n\r\nDear [Supplier]
\r\n\r\nYou have send purchese order [REFERENCE] for:-
\r\n\r\nAnd Payment Status for order [PaymentStatus] :-
\r\n\r\nAnd Purchase Status is [purchaseStatus]
\r\n\r\nDear [customer]
\r\n\r\nYou have recive sales order [REFERENCE] for:-
\r\n\r\nAnd Payment Status for order [PaymentStatus] :-
\r\n\r\nAnd Purchase Status is [saleStatus]
\r\n\r\nDear [Supplier]
\r\n\r\nYou have send return purchese order [REFERENCE] for:-
\r\n\r\nAnd Payment Status for order [PaymentStatus] :-
\r\n\r\nAnd Purchase Status is [return_purchaseStatus]
\r\n\r\nDear [customer]
\r\n\r\nYou have recive sales order [REFERENCE] for:-
\r\n\r\nAnd Payment Status for order [PaymentStatus] :-
\r\n\r\nAnd Purchase Status is [return_saleStatus]
\r\n\r\nDear [customer]
\r\n\r\nYou have send Quotation order [REFERENCE] for:-
\r\n\r\nAnd Payment Status for order [PaymentStatus] :-
\r\n\r\nAnd Purchase Status is [quotationStatus]